Posted by Quinthen on March 24, 2000 at 07:50:28:
Well, a few things happened, all at once. I became an immortal, which i truly wanted to do. Then, a week later, I got a promotion at work. A time consuming one. As I started writing my area, I realized, I just couldn't end up devoting the amount of time needed to be an immortal. Regardless of what many think, they are around a good amount, and are extremely dedicated. To the IMM's - Thanks for the chance, and sorry I couldn't do it. I really wanted to, but it seems real life caught up with me in a big hurry. Jacynth, Ashaxreyn, Selric, Tathlyn, you were great to hang out with. All the rest, thanks for all your help. Zulghinlour - Just a fantastic job you do with the Empire, and your interaction with me was outstanding. Can't thank you enough. I've had a bunch of empowered characters, but this was by far my favorite. Empire - God... I've forgotten so many, I had such a long life. Gharik, you've taken your lumps, but you've also dealt some pain, and were a good War Master. Dehieleia, you know what you're doing... glad I chose you. Montauk, you may be an idiot, but you're an amusing and nasty idiot... perfect for a Dreadlord. Jorin, you're a good killer... become a good leader as well. As for all the Imperials I started out with... Kaeven, you were the best Imperial warrior I knew... ahh well, I forget most, sorry. Masters - In my prime, only Viscrinth and Zomerseis had the balls to stand toe to toe with me, and speak to me as an equal. I actually respected that. Not that I looked down on the rest, but they did stand out for that. Battle - Great enemies... Gelkof and Kobaine, kudos for killing me one on one... only a handful did that. Dhaevor, I never viewed you as one to watch... evidently I was wrong... you're doing a good job. Almost to a man, I respected the ragers I fought. Sylvan - Pikel and Jaemaen, the only shamans out there who seemed to realize that energy drain can just ruin a healer. Great job Pikel, we didn't interact all that much, but you are certainly memorable. Mendeiron... nasty fellow. Entropy - Zorszaul and... well, just Zorszaul. Great roleplay, always enjoyed talking to you, perhaps my favorite conversations. Oh, and you're an adequate killer as well, I guess. Arbiter - Etherian and Grallon, good work on bringing em back. Sorry I had to put you in your place, but one doesn't defy an Emperor as strong as I was. Troupe - Graddar, Astillian, Drayman, Celebeleni, thanks for humoring my nastiness at the inn. I tried to be as pleasant as possible there, but I'm not a pleasant fellow. Dawn - Chaldaie, you turned from a borderline idiot, into a worthwhile character. Good job. Any I've forgotten, as I said, my life was long, and one forgets, sorry. Any comments, or questions, feel free to email me. Adam