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Posted by Etherian on March 27, 2000 at 08:43:23:

In Reply to: My farewell posted by Quinthen on March 24, 2000 at 07:50:28:

Well played, bravo. Had fun interacting with ya Starlan/Etherian both found time to converse with you. Was akward as a paladin to walk into a fight WITH you, but I guess it was ok for Arbiter law. Sent zorszaul packin his bags a few times, that was fun. I wish you hadn't imm'ed and just stayed as the emperor, that wouldn't have takin so much of your time. You were also one of the few that I could count on not to quit out when Zorszaul was around.

I think I only fought you once...when I raided as Starlan with Everntien and you had a mongoose there fighting with you. Of course, I'm sure you don't remember wording out when I started attacking you :P(of course I had sanc too) One on one ya had me beat, I enjoyed playin with ya.



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