Yeah, you're probably right-Imbrogno's reoccuring reasons for deleteitis:

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Posted by Imbrogno(VIP) on October 26, 2000 at 14:35:13:

In Reply to: Imbrogno, you just need to stop deleting your Maran (Rememberances of Shokai enc) posted by Tracker of the Wicked(VIP) on October 26, 2000 at 10:58:21:

1)Dying to an idiot-If I die to somebody that I know that there's no way in hell that they should have beaten me I usually delete. It's a pride thing. I know that I probably made the stupid bastard's day and now he's going to go brag to his buddies or some shit or send me tells saying Ha Ha I killed you, you suck or something and I can't hack it. Post it on the forum and it's a sure fire way to make me not show my face in CF for at least a week. I have visions of imms in the heavens saying "Oh look, there's Imbrogno, I wonder which total fucking moron he's going to die to this week." Sure, that probably doesn't happen(I hope), but in my mind's eye it does.

2)Imms draggin' their feet :) Imbrogno got the axe 'cause I was dyin' tryin' to get Nepenthe's tattoo. I didn't want the damn thing for the powers, hell I could do what the tattoo does anyway(assuming the powers haven't changed recently) I just wanted the notoriety. Countless Marans(damn you Shokai)-Salipek, Musitief, Dardignac, oh there's others!

3) Exp penalties. If I'm in a 10k exp hole that I shouldn't be in I'll delete.

4) If I lose a 1/3 con before 20th rank I delete. I'm a firm believer that if you die before the rank of 20 you're a sorry bastard. I hold this belief usually 'cause I rank alone and if I die it's because I died to a mob. If I die in a pk I usually apply reason #1 'cause there's really no reason for the classes I play to die before 20th rank.

5) If I'm surrounded by idiots. I still laugh when I think of Salipek. There was a duergar warrior polearm specialist and a muter I think that was constantly attacking the Phoenix. Two of them and like 4 or 5 Servants(including myself, Chaldaie, and some other healer) and 3 or 4 of us died. I was thinking "If I can't get these people to gang-spank someone right then it's hopeless" delete;delete.

With all of that in mind Dardignac was deleted for a number of reasons. An exp penalty. He had died to more than 1 idiot. His pk ratio was pretty shitty IMHO. Something like 6 kills(that I can account for*ie I was involved in the death of 9 total but I don't know if I got the last hit or not*) and 4 deaths. That's god awful. Then there's Shokai(damn you Shokai). He had lost 3 con total in his life-time and he wasn't 100 hours old yet(4 pks and a butt-load of mob deaths). It was just his time.

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