Truly, truly awful. (Bonus sanctimonious MotD enclosed.):

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Posted by Proud Blade(VIP) on October 26, 2000 at 17:50:33:

In Reply to: Yeah, you're probably right-Imbrogno's reoccuring reasons for deleteitis posted by Imbrogno(VIP) on October 26, 2000 at 14:35:13:

As Ingvar, I did #1 (to an idiot shaman because I wasn't prepared for rot, and a bigger idiot necro Initiate permagrouper who attacked me (pre-tattoo) in Cyradia's shrine), #2 (Cyradia and I did not overlap our play times well, and although I loved our interactions, they were not so frequent. I certainly wasn't marked at 100 hours, I can tell you that.), #3 (more than one), and #4 (Who knew we come we come was aggro?). One perk to the Cult is that #5 is rarely a problem, at least on a roleplaying level, and most of the (other) Initiates were quite good at fighting to boot. My PK ratio wasn't awful, but it certainly wasn't far from your 3:2.

You know what? I still had a blast. I got to hero (with a 700 xp penalty), and lived 500 hours with max con and trains to spare. I never had to level with less than maximum con. I got to lead, quest, explore, roleplay, raid, defend, write stories, and roleplay like crazy. All of this with mediocre "game mechanics" skills, where you have an edge on me.

Ask yourself: Am I playing to have fun, or to be "perfect"? 1/3 of a con translates to 3.3 hp at hero. (1 extra train = 10 hp) How many times has 3 or 6 or 20 hp actually made a damn difference? Once? Twice? Most of the time, when I die, it wouldn't have mattered if I had another 100 hp.

In the grand scheme of things, do any of the 5 things above matter at all? Is keeping your ego unbruised -that- important?

Me? I'd be more pissed about having three "almost" Maran than an XP hole any day of the week.

My unsolicited advice to you (and Ipsisimus, and a lot of others): Stick one out. Make one -really- work. I'm certainly still trying to.

> 1)Dying to an idiot-If I die to somebody that I know that there's no way in hell that they should have beaten me I usually delete. It's a pride thing. I know that I probably made the stupid bastard's day and now he's going to go brag to his buddies or some shit or send me tells saying Ha Ha I killed you, you suck or something and I can't hack it. Post it on the forum and it's a sure fire way to make me not show my face in CF for at least a week. I have visions of imms in the heavens saying "Oh look, there's Imbrogno, I wonder which total fucking moron he's going to die to this week." Sure, that probably doesn't happen(I hope), but in my mind's eye it does.

> 2)Imms draggin' their feet :) Imbrogno got the axe 'cause I was dyin' tryin' to get Nepenthe's tattoo. I didn't want the damn thing for the powers, hell I could do what the tattoo does anyway(assuming the powers haven't changed recently) I just wanted the notoriety. Countless Marans(damn you Shokai)-Salipek, Musitief, Dardignac, oh there's others!

> 3) Exp penalties. If I'm in a 10k exp hole that I shouldn't be in I'll delete.

> 4) If I lose a 1/3 con before 20th rank I delete. I'm a firm believer that if you die before the rank of 20 you're a sorry bastard. I hold this belief usually 'cause I rank alone and if I die it's because I died to a mob. If I die in a pk I usually apply reason #1 'cause there's really no reason for the classes I play to die before 20th rank.

> 5) If I'm surrounded by idiots. I still laugh when I think of Salipek. There was a duergar warrior polearm specialist and a muter I think that was constantly attacking the Phoenix. Two of them and like 4 or 5 Servants(including myself, Chaldaie, and some other healer) and 3 or 4 of us died. I was thinking "If I can't get these people to gang-spank someone right then it's hopeless" delete;delete.

> With all of that in mind Dardignac was deleted for a number of reasons. An exp penalty. He had died to more than 1 idiot. His pk ratio was pretty shitty IMHO. Something like 6 kills(that I can account for*ie I was involved in the death of 9 total but I don't know if I got the last hit or not*) and 4 deaths. That's god awful. Then there's Shokai(damn you Shokai). He had lost 3 con total in his life-time and he wasn't 100 hours old yet(4 pks and a butt-load of mob deaths). It was just his time.

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