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Posted by Need help on March 30, 2000 at 03:30:22:

I did not pay much attention to roleplaying before,
but right now I decided to start a new char who will
be different from all my previous pkillers and
But I suddenly faced a horrible problem: my English
is too poor to write a proper description. I mean,
I can say what I want, but most likely the language
will be ugly, and the expressions used will be not
those that English-speaking people normally use to
describe others.
To be more specific, my new char is female human.
What do I want? I want probably some web refeernces
where I can find a lot of descriptions of people.
I don't want to look for them in usual books because
it will take too much time (and I don't have too
much books in English available).
One more time: I don't want to copy the description
from anywhere, I just want to build a base of
widely-used expressions to construct the description
from them.
Anyone can help? Any ideas? It's really difficult when
your native language is not English, believe me...

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