Role and Desc:

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Posted by ShadowKnight on October 28, 2000 at 13:47:10:


What did I come to this place?" said Khazhar as he walked through
the city streets. Looking this way and that, he began to realize he was in the
same city in which he was born...oh how he hated it. Suddenly a merchant ran by
shoving him to the ground. Reaching for his dagger..."What?...Where is my weapon?"
Shruging to himself he went back to his own business.
As he walked down the street he saw a red brick house, all fancy and tall. Unknowingly
he walked right inside and to a room where a birth was taking place. It was.."It's me" he
said as he looked upon the child.

In the blink of an eye he was in a forest. The first forest he had ever layed eyes upon.
"Khazhar, come here" he heard behind him as two young lads came running up to a large tree.
He sat upon the ground watching them, a young man child, and dwarf...himself as a boy.
As he watched the boys he heard a loud *CLANG* and the city gates were closed locking them out.
He walked up to the gates as he watched them pounding and scraping, he tried to help but could
do nothing. It was like he was a ghost or something of the likes. He remembered that long cold
night in the forest, but as he looked further within, it was at this point he wished to leave
his city home, to prowl and hunt within the forests of Thera.

His vision blackened and he was in a place he loved very much, but left long ago. As he looked
upon the forested area his memory of good times replaced those of the city he hated. He heard the
ringing of bells and thought to himself.."It can't be...It's jamboree season!" As he ran to
the sound of bells he stopped by the one tent. As he looked inside he saw a small dwarf fooling
around with one of the lady felars..a very beautiful one. Seeing her pained him much, because
that dwarf was he, and the lass, his lover. Turning his attention back towards the ringing of
bells he hurried along untill he came to a large fire, where he remembered his family.
Those who brought him out of the rain and called him brother and love. This was his home.
He sat and thought about this forest society of felars and the love they had for him. He just
wished he could stay....He was pulled into from the forest to a place where there were no trees,
or living things. Blood and ashes defiled the ground where his home once stood. Turning around a
duergar leaped at him, and he screamed in terror.

Thrashing he awoke and heard screams surrounding his hole. He dashed to where he left his dagger
and shirt only to find them gone. In it's spot sat a large set of robes...Covered with symbols hes
never seen before he gently lifted it up. As he touched the soft fabric he could feel an energy flow
through him. Looking to see what held the robes elevated, he gasped at a large, glowing sword. The
blade etched and marked yet still seeming razor-sharp caught his eye. A green vine covered with thorns
encircled the hilt and unknown marks went up the blade. He quickly threw on the robes and cleanched
the hilt of the sword a burst of energy knocked him to the ground. Standing up he stared at the weapon.
half dazed he brought himself to his feet and grabbed the hilt once again..This time the sword came
from the ground and he lifted it and roared as he fled his hole into the battle.

Looking at the devestation all around him he quickly saw his love. He ran towards her to aid but just
before he could take her hand a duergar split her head with a large axe that gleamed red in the sun.
As if he'd been with the sword all his life it swiftly cleaved the head from the duergars body. As he
sat looking at the corpse he had just created his eyes drifted to his love. Once again his eyes glared
at the duergars body, then to himself he snickered softly and swiftly went off into battle. Swinging
his mighty sword, Khazhar killed many but nothing was left of his home...But he did not care, all he
cared about was that the intruder's died, after the battle only a few felar lay alive. He looked at them.
They pleaded to him to stay but this was no longer his place...He was not a village, lover or cooker, he
wanted to be much more, he wanted to be Sylvan. The forests of Thera were his, and they needed defending.


Shimmering is he who stands before you.
A small, blue ball of ice sits for his left eye as the other is missing.
Long, ceremonial robes cover his entire body.
As green as the forest they are covered with symbols of Lore.
A swollen sun swallowed by the moon covers his front.
Long, flames seem to reach up the left sleeve while ice crawls up the right
A shadow of mist is his hood.
A long necklace drapes down from his neck lined with Drow and Duergar teeth.
A celestial circlet surrounds his head, and upon his forhead sits an Emerald Sunburst.
With a grin of sharp teeth his beard is shown. Long and red as the inferno.
Black clippings of hair can be seen under the misty hood.
With a last gaze he is...

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