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Posted by Jaldean on November 17, 2000 at 12:18:04:

I rolled Drenalian shortly before the incident with Jaldean. I hadn't played a successful mortal character since Jal, though there were several with potential... I just couldn't stay interested in them. I decided Drenalian would be my last character, and I put quite a bit of effort into him... I didn't want to quit something I've spent years doing on a bad note. I started to get bored with him when I got close to heroing... those ranks between the time you get your last skills/spells, and the time you hero, are just boring as all hell. But anyway, I'll write more about Drenalian after this. If you don't care, don't read, but here's my CF history as I rememeber it.

I started playing CF in the early second age, the first ever character I rolled was a n/n half-elf ranger named Adderen. I only remember that because I must have made 20 different incarnations of him, generally deleting after I got beat up at level 5 or so. My last incarnation of Adderen was n/g, and tried somewhat to get into Knights, although I certainly didn't know what I was doing. Finally I rolled a human paladin by the name of Gunther, who proved to be the end of the Adderen reign. I was still FAR from knowing what I was doing with this character, but I somehow made it to level 44 with him, which was quite a feat. The only notable thing Gunther ever did was take part in the group that found the Horn of Fate... we were actually grouped around me as a bridge for some of the lower ranked people with us, although I wasn't leading. I couldn't have led to Kidana if my life depended on it. Other than that, I mostly died to Reflous, Adonis, Morgaine and Necrucifer, Narcissus, and pretty much everyone else that had an inclination to attack me. I seem to recal fighting Kadar once too, and I know I died to Sirrion and Kalten once or twice - those two would eventually become my roommates in real life, although I didn't know them at the time. Just before the third age, I rolled my first 'successful' character, a dwarf warrior named Tyrandil. He became my first hero, and I managed to get into Knights with him... I believe it was Tallanvor that inducted me. The day after I got into Knights, I also got Shokai's tattoo. When the sphere system went in, I went protection with him... unfortunatly, he was deleted long before weapon specs were around. Now, about a week after the third age started, I rolled a dwarf shaman by the name of Delyn. He is by far my favorite character... when I immd with him, I had 5 con and 512 hours, and my pk counter was I believe 21 wins to 52 losses. Oh well. :P Everything about this character was fun though, and my biggest disappointment is that Knights never got to come back to CF after their disbandment. I deleted him due to some real life commitments, although I came back about 6 months later when I got time again. After that return, I played five more Knights, three Ragers, two Imperials, and a handful of others, none of which ranked much past level 30 as I recall. Then I rolled Jaldean, my first healer, and my first attempt at an Arbiter. Jaldean actually was successful, ending with a pk counter of 24 - 4... he was quite a bit of fun, but Arbiters hold nothing on Knights in my opinion. Jaldean immorting pretty much started my decline in interest. I played four main character since him, the first was an uncabaled assassin that got Cador's tattoo... he had a lot of potential, but I deleted him to work on my area more. It's too bad, because Cador was awesome to interact with, and having his tattoo made people do double takes all the time. :P I then played a dark-elf arcane transmuter that got into Masters, and got Nepenthe's tattoo... she made it close to level 40, but I just couldn't remain interested in her. I then rolled an almost identical character that got into Arbiters - my only Arbiter besides Jal - and was going to try for Jullias's tattoo, but again, I couldn't stay interested. And that brings me to Drenalian...

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