Posted by [unacceptable motivation] Miuwaro, Elemental Master on November 28, 2000 at 13:16:39:
This was pretty much my first mage character. I rolled him up because I had always played ragers and blades and basically only warrior classes. I had the idea to make this char a 100% pure scholar and the REAL reason why I wrote a role that made my char not WANT to use wands or potions etc was because I really didnt know where any of them were. But I figured it was a unique char hook and I knew I could pull it off. I had a great time in the Tower for the most part. Probably would have had Miu propose to Missila, but first I had to go away for a while, then she dissapeared. I loved having "magic Theory" talks with Valg and Missila and some others...I also liked Valg because I thought I was the only one who didnt like the "Bloodthirsty Master" until speaking with him. This char was going along great, I was so entirely motivated to rp this char to age death, to work hard to study rune magic etc. Then I hit a snag. During that whole Silent tower fiasco. Almost all of the masters higher rank than me could have given a shit about it, but my char's rp would not let him ignore it, but the Only imm interaction I got out of the quest was "Go away, you arent a hero". After that, my desire to play started to slip pretty hard. I started getting lazy, I had quite a few role additions already composed just waiting to be put in at the appropriate time in Miu's life, but I started to question the purpose of it all, and was to lazy to cut and paste them. Then this Library thing came along and I thought this might be a chance to get back on the "scholar" track. But once again Family crap came up in the real world and I realized that even if I WANTED to keep it up and actually conduct expiriments and write scolarly papers in char...I couldnt because of rl. I had quite a nice thing written up on Orcs and Trollocs, but realized one little thing like that would not be able to revitalize my interest in the char enough to put aside things like Job and Family and Social life. I admit, I came to the decision to delete about a week and a half ago, the last time I logged on, but have been waiting for the pk ratio thingy to be fixed. Oh well. I grew impatient to move on. I'd post some farewells to specific people and all on the graveyard, but I connect through a free isp, so I don't think I can register. I had some good times. I goofed around WAY to much, and every single one of my deaths were because of my goofing around or just taking stupid chances. If I come up with a role I want to play, I will role up another char. Until then, Good studies to you, CF. ******I never practiced any skill past 71%. And not once put ANY time working on ANY skill. If a skill is above 71%, then it just happened to go up when I worked on spells or ranked.************ <1446hp 1236m 497mv> prac <1446hp 1236m 497mv> role Now then...and introduction to me? No...well...hmm.... I was born a young man...hmm...yes...well...what I mean is While I was young Needless to say...when he was finished I was quite willing to do whatever he said..and was even willing to agree to his rational of "learn it, little Yes, this does include those...things...those wands...scrolls...staves. Oh...there are natural things out there that give some effects that might seem 2) Eating a mushroom, or a lump of seaweed is not the same as my relying on That is as much as I will explain myself, any more would sound apologetic, As of this scribing, I am an applicant to the Tower of study of Magic. <1446hp 1245m 497mv> wo <1446hp 1245m 497mv> <1446hp 1245m 497mv> desc You fade back into existence. <1446hp 1245m 497mv> Your description is: Wearing clothes that seem to have been quite fashionable, thirty years ago, <1446hp 1245m 497mv> rem all <1446hp 1245m 497mv> <1261hp 1112m 467mv> drop all
You are Miuwaro the Elemental Master, level 47, 266 years old (204 hours).
You are mature.
Race: gnome Sex: male Class: invoker Hometown: Galadon
You have 1446/1446 hit, 1236/1245 mana, 497/497 movement.
You have 30 practices and 1 training sessions.
You are carrying 19/32 items.
Your items weigh 189 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 317 pounds).
Str: 18(18) Int: 23(23) Wis: 25(25) Dex: 20(20) Con: 18(18) Chr: 15(19)
You have scored 470609 exp, and have 3959 gold coins.
You need 4951 exp to level.
Wimpy set to 200 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -140 bash: -132 slash: -141 magic: -108
You are divinely armored against piercing.
You are divinely armored against bashing.
You are divinely armored against slashing.
You are divinely armored against magic.
Hitroll: 18 Damroll: 16.
You are neutral. You have a lawful ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Knowledge.
You are happy.
You are affected by:
Commune: 'bless' modifies save vs spell by -14 for 65 hours.
Commune: 'bless' modifies hit roll by 7 for 65 hours.
Spell: 'armor' modifies armor class by -20 for 18 hours.
Spell: 'conglaciation' modifies none by 0 for 14 hours.
Spell: 'quicksand' modifies none by 0 for 13 hours.
Spell: 'transform' modifies none by 0 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'transform' modifies damage modifier by -10 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'transform' modifies hp by 834 for 7 hours.
Spell: 'shield of earth' modifies none by 0 for 6 hours.
Spell: 'pass door' modifies none by 0 for 4 hours.
Spell: 'improved invis' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'vortex' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'fireshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'frostshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'earthshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'watershield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'watershield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'lightningshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'airshield' modifies none by 0 for 1 hours.
Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 7 hours.
airshield 100% armor 100% avalanche 100%
buffet 100% cancellation 89% channel heat 100%
charge weapon 100% conglaciation 80% controlled fireball 100%
create spring 100% create water 100% cyclone 100%
detect invis 100% detect magic 100% dispel magic 71%
earthquake 100% earthshield 100% faerie fire 71%
faerie fog 100% fireball 100% fireshield 100%
forked lightning 100% frost fingers 100% frostshield 100%
geyser 76% iceneedles 100% iceshards 100%
identify 100% immolation 76% improved invis 100%
infravision 100% invis 100% lightning bolt 100%
locate object 87% pass door 100% teleport 71%
ventriloquate 71% word of recall 100% dagger 87%
mace 83% whip 100% hand to hand 83%
parry 100% second attack 92% lash 71%
fast healing 94% haggle 72% meditation 100%
scrolls 71% staves 72% wands 71%
recall 100% transform 90% scourge 100%
trance 100% cone of cold 100% wind wall 100%
spellcraft 100% wall of fire 100% tsunami 100%
drown 100% icicle 100% engulf 76%
nova 100% shield of flames 100% shocking touch 100%
pillar of the heavens 100% lightningshield 100% shield of electricity 100%
shield of winds 90% shield of waves 96% shield of ice 86%
vortex 100% quicksand 72% pebble to boulder 100%
stoneshatter 100% shield of earth 100% watershield 100%
pen 71% magical control 100% tome 78%
You have 30 practice sessions left.
Your role is:
Added Sat Sep 2 18:42:04 2000 at level 10:
Well now...oh yes...a journal.
Keeping a written record of my experiences, raison d'etre, and studies,
seemed to me a capital idea, so I shall take some time when I remember,
record what seems important to me at the time.
If not for posterity, then as a referance for future scholars...Gods know
What I would not have given to have been able to put a face behind so many
of the ancient texts I have read...
beleive it or not, I was trained as a blacksmith...such a crude and sweaty
trade, I could not stand the soot, so searching out a place to exercise my
mind, I found an older mage, and asked to be taught. A most disagreeable
old, dusty, angry, wrinkled codger he did turn out to be. But for all of
my distaste of his methods, he was quite intelligent and knowledgeable, so
I forced myself to do what he said was necessary for me to do.
The most vivid of days I remember, was the first....When I had refused to
even touch one of those "barbarian" instruments.....
[Hit Return to continue]
bastard, you dont know when you will not be able to cast, and those
barbarian skills may save your life".
Under such logic (and switching) Who was I to argue. From that day, I have
agreed to put at least one practice into all the skills of the Barbarians...
Weapons, haggling, the use of items of questionable worth...etc. But I
will NOT practice them furthor. Yes I may use them one day..but I find
their use MOST distastfull...almost to the point of making me feel sooty
again like I did infront of the Forge.
Why would I study long, hard, days, weeks, years even, just to take a
shortcut? Why would I work so hard to gain the Knowledge, skill, and power
to gain the Ecstacy of molding and controling the Very force of Magic
as I will....and then drink a potion like any fool barbarian can do?
Such things cheapen me, they cheapen my work, and they cheapen the very
guild I am a member of.
close to magic...and some may point to my sometimes use of those...I will
explain why I do.
[Hit Return to continue]
1) They are of Nature, and if Magic is to flourish in this world, Nature
must be understood in its entirety, so that it can be circumvented.
another mages expertise like using a scroll or potion is.
and Lords no I am not that.
I am far along the application process, I will write again when I have
acheived the position of Master of the study of writing this
is just keeping me from study...yes..well...hmm...yes.
You have 3959 gold, and 470609 experience (4951 exp to level).
The adept closes his eyes for a moment and nods at you.
You feel better!
You feel ready to create another vortex.
Your shield of fire dissipates.
Your shield of frost dissipates.
Your shield of earth dissipates.
Your shield of water dissipates.
Your shield of lightning dissipates.
Your shield of air dissipates.
What little hair this tiny man has left seems to be trying to leap right
from his small diminutive pate.
when, it seems clear, it was the last time they had been pressed.
Donning a pair of Large, thick peices of glass upon his face, he from time
to time looks around as if with suprise at his whereabouts. These times
are fleeting, however, for he soon seems to be lost in whatever mild and
shallow thought he was attempting to follow around in his head.
You stop using the mace of balance.
You stop using a pair of black enameled gauntlets.
You stop using an engraved silver circlet.
You stop using a black and white striped heartstone ring.
The darkness moves back in.
You stop using the shield of darkness.
You stop using the girdle of endless space.
You stop using a mantle of air.
You stop using the sleeves of Harrapia.
You stop using some orcish leggings.
The obsidian eye amulet shudders and grinds shut.
You stop using the obsidian eye amulet.
You stop using a dull white breastplate.
You stop using red-gold dragon boots.
You stop using a thick black leather bracer.
You stop using a fiery ring.
You stop using a fur-lined poncho.
Your charge dissipates.
You drop the mace of balance.
You drop a jigger of a violently fizzing greenish liquid, labeled "Zasdrin's Fizzy Delight".
You drop a jigger of sturdy steel, filled to the brim with a strawberry flavored liquor called "Mordakainen's Dark Delight".
You drop a goblet of fine crystal, filled with a light reddish wine of the finest Arial vintage.
You drop a pair of black enameled gauntlets.
You drop an engraved silver circlet.
You drop feather of levitation.
You drop a black and white striped heartstone ring.
You drop the shield of darkness.
You drop the girdle of endless space.
You drop a mantle of air.
You drop the sleeves of Harrapia.
You drop some orcish leggings.
You drop the obsidian eye amulet.
You drop a dull white breastplate.
You drop red-gold dragon boots.
You drop a thick black leather bracer.
You drop a fiery ring.
You burn your hands dropping this item.
Your burning hands decimates you!
You drop a fur-lined poncho.