Sad to see you go.:

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Posted by Ikemasuka on December 4, 2000 at 09:45:49:

In Reply to: [Age Dead] Kimidan the Exploring Planewalker posted by Rooqweaz on December 3, 2000 at 04:29:38:

Hey I remember you. I learned a lot fighting you. I nevered had any real fights with conjurers except for you and Bezt(whatchamacallit). I didn't see much of you after Vizarsh left though. Well good luck on your next char.

> Bah! I age-died.

> After yet another purge of the village in June
> I started to think about new character.
> I wasn't in Aniedra's fun club, so ragers were closed for me
> and I decided to make a wimpy dirty greedy uncaballed MAGE!
> ( Do you see what Magic does to people now? )

> It was my first non-rager character in CF since the begging of Second Age.
> So I had to learn on the fly.
> At the begging of my life I was stick with archons until
> I found a barrier wand (and started to use devils/demons/angels more).

> I have no time to play many characters ( Kimidan was my only
> character all this time, I don't count a few newbies )
> So I had to combine reasons to make a char.
> There were several secondary reasons for this character.
> But the main purpose of this character was solo exploring.
> Exactly solo exploring because when you explore in groups
> you miss a lot. Thus I was a loner and closed for interation.
> And that is the reason why I did not apply into any cabal.
> You don't need these "intruders" when you are exploring.
> I spent a lot of my time exploring the World.
> (Well, I knew well eastern/dwarf/Tar Valon/New Thalos being a rager :) )
> And my rare pk encouters usually happened between exploring trips.

> Usually conjurers choose familiars with detect hidden
> but I WANTED to get a monkey to fit my sphere "Greed"
> heh, and I got it. Actually it is very useful familiar
> ( for exploring, not for pk ).

> I realized that I dont like ganging. I just don't see any fun in ganing
> so almost all my pk fights were solo from my side.
> I usually declined any offers to join somebody in hunt/raid
> except a few cases of retrieving from the village.
> And I didn't loot dead opponents except taking a few pieces
> which I can wear. It was not necessary for me to finish the enemy.
> I don't mind when people run from me, so I had no problems
> being a conjurer ( this class doesn't have a wide choice of ways to
> stop enemies from running away ). If you look over logs, you will notice
> that I used lash only a few times. Heh, I just didn't want to remove my
> lovely claw of Dracolich.
> In whole my life I had only two enemies whom I actually wanted to see dead:
> Fuerln and Delanathean. And even in these two cases I didn't put a lot of efforts
> to hunt them.

> People who come into mind:
> with whom I ranked and explored: Erdrige, Aristreide, Nahlen, Faerdroust, Garenth
> Laureolia ( who promised me 100 painfull deathes when I started to ran kwith empire, hehe )
> Piaragon, Cuhuzra and blasted Hruptek.

> Masters:
> The only one with whom I interacted a lot was Hruptek. Slightly wild headed
> he was ok anyway. I would rather to talk with people like Hruptek
> over pathetic faceless roleplayers.

> Arbiters:
> Fuerln, blah.

> Dawn:
> Tecuea, you gave me a good laugh once.
> I casted clairvoaynce at you and saw you wielding
> a potion of return. (and no other weapons)
> "Doh" I said. "This is the PERFECT Dawn warrior!"
> Harmless and invincible at the same time :)

> Scarab, Troupe:
> Don't know you

> Sylvan:
> With Flontinot leaving you turned into bloodthirsty gangers.
> Well, it is a life
> when you give to cabal a power "plant flowers"
> you will see the cabal filled with planters of flowers
> when you give to cabal pure pk powers
> the cabal would be filled with pkillers.
> Only two cabals hunted me sometimes, sylvan and ragers.
> Delanathean I didn't like you. Heh
> I remember our first encounter. I lost my link and died
> to something in Mausoleum, when I returned back in a few minutes
> I saw a beatiful elf who grabbed as much as he can carry from corpse.
> I thought for a moment "Doh, yet another good soul fall to the Greed"
> But you fed me with "blah blah, defiler" crap, so at least
> you had an excuse. Later though you was kicked from Sylvan
> for the same old Greed. Life is fair sometimes.
> Rhycyn, despite the fact you are a storm shaman in sylvan, you are good sylvan
> Don't care much about pk ratio (leave it to Arolin, muwahaha)

> Battle:
> Well, I like the cabal.
> Though with this character I fought you a lot I had my soul with
> the cabal. Most of my fight were against you. That is because
> you are the only people who are willing to fight and
> I was a mage as well.
> Another reason, I wanted to become more expirenced with rager/conjurer fights
> And I can say, even as an uncaballed conjurer I don't think
> I had any troubles with any rager when I'm prepared.
> I know how hard could be a life of a rager.
> So I didn't hunt ragers when they had no power, I didn't join
> raids against ragers except two retrieves. And even when
> I managed to get the head, I did not give it away to empire/masters.
> Raudruk, Jorg, Indellethis (why you die in every fight?), Barsimmon, Kealiran, I
> kemasuka, Trifiv, Vizarsh, Tarakh and many other ragers, keep doing the work.
> Immortals:
> Well, I play with mortals and for mortals, so I can't say
> I was looking for immteration with this character.
> To battle immortals: Battle cabal is very hard to build
> and very easy to destroy. I don't think that numerous purges
> would improve the cabal. At least it didn't work with Empire.
> I think there should be more selective intrusion into cabal life.

> My crappy description
> ---------------------
> A tiny black haired human stands before you.
> He is not ordinary man and you don't know what
> to expect from him. At first glance he looks like
> a mage but why he carries this shield with him?
> Even more, you notice a thin light axe attached
> to his wide belt. Very odd... He glances at you
> as well trying to find a spot where you hide your
> money... Thief? It seems no, but he obviously
> likes money.

> You are Kimidan the Exploring Planewalker, level 51, 96 years old (534 hours).
> You are old.
> Race: human Sex: male Class: conjurer Hometown: Tar Valon
> You have 663/520 hit, 1282/841 mana, 605/505 movement.
> You have 0 practices and 0 training sessions.
> You are carrying 1/31 items.
> Your items weigh 30 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 327 pounds).
> Str: 18(18) Int: 20(20) Wis: 19(19) Dex: 18(18) Con: 11(11) Chr: 18(18)
> You have scored 444110 exp, and have 0 gold coins.
> Wimpy set to 300 hit points.
> You are standing.
> Armor: pierce: 50 bash: 50 slash: 50 magic: 50
> You are slightly armored against piercing.
> You are slightly armored against bashing.
> You are slightly armored against slashing.
> You are slightly armored against magic.
> Hitroll: 2 Damroll: 3.
> You are neutral. You have a neutral ethos.
> You have chosen the sphere of Greed.
> You are comfortable.

> (stats are heavily modified with a deck of fate)

> PS: I will put dozen logs on the log board.

> Rooqweaz

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