Posted by Rooqweaz on December 3, 2000 at 04:29:38:
Bah! I age-died. After yet another purge of the village in June It was my first non-rager character in CF since the begging of Second Age. I have no time to play many characters ( Kimidan was my only Usually conjurers choose familiars with detect hidden I realized that I dont like ganging. I just don't see any fun in ganing People who come into mind: Masters: Arbiters: Dawn: Scarab, Troupe: Sylvan: Battle: My crappy description You are Kimidan the Exploring Planewalker, level 51, 96 years old (534 hours). (stats are heavily modified with a deck of fate)
I started to think about new character.
I wasn't in Aniedra's fun club, so ragers were closed for me
and I decided to make a wimpy dirty greedy uncaballed MAGE!
( Do you see what Magic does to people now? )
So I had to learn on the fly.
At the begging of my life I was stick with archons until
I found a barrier wand (and started to use devils/demons/angels more).
character all this time, I don't count a few newbies )
So I had to combine reasons to make a char.
There were several secondary reasons for this character.
But the main purpose of this character was solo exploring.
Exactly solo exploring because when you explore in groups
you miss a lot. Thus I was a loner and closed for interation.
And that is the reason why I did not apply into any cabal.
You don't need these "intruders" when you are exploring.
I spent a lot of my time exploring the World.
(Well, I knew well eastern/dwarf/Tar Valon/New Thalos being a rager :) )
And my rare pk encouters usually happened between exploring trips.
but I WANTED to get a monkey to fit my sphere "Greed"
heh, and I got it. Actually it is very useful familiar
( for exploring, not for pk ).
so almost all my pk fights were solo from my side.
I usually declined any offers to join somebody in hunt/raid
except a few cases of retrieving from the village.
And I didn't loot dead opponents except taking a few pieces
which I can wear. It was not necessary for me to finish the enemy.
I don't mind when people run from me, so I had no problems
being a conjurer ( this class doesn't have a wide choice of ways to
stop enemies from running away ). If you look over logs, you will notice
that I used lash only a few times. Heh, I just didn't want to remove my
lovely claw of Dracolich.
In whole my life I had only two enemies whom I actually wanted to see dead:
Fuerln and Delanathean. And even in these two cases I didn't put a lot of efforts
to hunt them.
with whom I ranked and explored: Erdrige, Aristreide, Nahlen, Faerdroust, Garenth
Laureolia ( who promised me 100 painfull deathes when I started to ran kwith empire, hehe )
Piaragon, Cuhuzra and blasted Hruptek.
The only one with whom I interacted a lot was Hruptek. Slightly wild headed
he was ok anyway. I would rather to talk with people like Hruptek
over pathetic faceless roleplayers.
Fuerln, blah.
Tecuea, you gave me a good laugh once.
I casted clairvoaynce at you and saw you wielding
a potion of return. (and no other weapons)
"Doh" I said. "This is the PERFECT Dawn warrior!"
Harmless and invincible at the same time :)
Don't know you
With Flontinot leaving you turned into bloodthirsty gangers.
Well, it is a life
when you give to cabal a power "plant flowers"
you will see the cabal filled with planters of flowers
when you give to cabal pure pk powers
the cabal would be filled with pkillers.
Only two cabals hunted me sometimes, sylvan and ragers.
Delanathean I didn't like you. Heh
I remember our first encounter. I lost my link and died
to something in Mausoleum, when I returned back in a few minutes
I saw a beatiful elf who grabbed as much as he can carry from corpse.
I thought for a moment "Doh, yet another good soul fall to the Greed"
But you fed me with "blah blah, defiler" crap, so at least
you had an excuse. Later though you was kicked from Sylvan
for the same old Greed. Life is fair sometimes.
Rhycyn, despite the fact you are a storm shaman in sylvan, you are good sylvan
Don't care much about pk ratio (leave it to Arolin, muwahaha)
Well, I like the cabal.
Though with this character I fought you a lot I had my soul with
the cabal. Most of my fight were against you. That is because
you are the only people who are willing to fight and
I was a mage as well.
Another reason, I wanted to become more expirenced with rager/conjurer fights
And I can say, even as an uncaballed conjurer I don't think
I had any troubles with any rager when I'm prepared.
I know how hard could be a life of a rager.
So I didn't hunt ragers when they had no power, I didn't join
raids against ragers except two retrieves. And even when
I managed to get the head, I did not give it away to empire/masters.
Raudruk, Jorg, Indellethis (why you die in every fight?), Barsimmon, Kealiran, I
kemasuka, Trifiv, Vizarsh, Tarakh and many other ragers, keep doing the work.
Well, I play with mortals and for mortals, so I can't say
I was looking for immteration with this character.
To battle immortals: Battle cabal is very hard to build
and very easy to destroy. I don't think that numerous purges
would improve the cabal. At least it didn't work with Empire.
I think there should be more selective intrusion into cabal life.
A tiny black haired human stands before you.
He is not ordinary man and you don't know what
to expect from him. At first glance he looks like
a mage but why he carries this shield with him?
Even more, you notice a thin light axe attached
to his wide belt. Very odd... He glances at you
as well trying to find a spot where you hide your
money... Thief? It seems no, but he obviously
likes money.
You are old.
Race: human Sex: male Class: conjurer Hometown: Tar Valon
You have 663/520 hit, 1282/841 mana, 605/505 movement.
You have 0 practices and 0 training sessions.
You are carrying 1/31 items.
Your items weigh 30 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 327 pounds).
Str: 18(18) Int: 20(20) Wis: 19(19) Dex: 18(18) Con: 11(11) Chr: 18(18)
You have scored 444110 exp, and have 0 gold coins.
Wimpy set to 300 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: 50 bash: 50 slash: 50 magic: 50
You are slightly armored against piercing.
You are slightly armored against bashing.
You are slightly armored against slashing.
You are slightly armored against magic.
Hitroll: 2 Damroll: 3.
You are neutral. You have a neutral ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Greed.
You are comfortable.
PS: I will put dozen logs on the log board.