On another side note....to the Elders:

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Posted by Grallon on April 12, 2000 at 12:49:10:

In Reply to: Well...heh, Was fun while the fun lasted...(long, stream of consciousness ramble...actually, nothing interesting in here, ignore it) posted by {Deleted} Grallon on April 10, 2000 at 15:37:32:

I can not say how amuzing and fun it was to rp Grallon when the three elders were on.

All three, Kryn, Quintius, and Calyldor definately CAN rp, and their roles were SO disparagingly different that the conflict between them was pretty much real...I enjoyed officiating that one palaver we held...I wish we could have had more. Those interactions, especially officiating between kryn and calyldor, were probably what kept me from deleting long before.

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