Posted by {Deleted} Grallon on April 10, 2000 at 15:37:32:
Wish I could post my role and desc, I deleted before I could cut and paste. It came down to this. It was nolonger fun. I already hear those of you saying "Pussy, you are supposed to rp and stick through it" And I would have, normally. But between being the Only lord 80% of the time, between two elders who didn't do squat, and between the hoards of ragers/ was turning to the point where I actually was only logging on because I didn't want to be one of those leaders who never log on...I hated those guys. It wasnt about fun anymore. Yeah, I had plans for the Hall...Yeah I would probably have stayed on and enjoyed dieing a quick con death if I saw any sort of light at the end of the tunnel. Yeah I wimped out. People keep saying it is a game. Yes I love to rp. All of my past chars were chosen because they were underdogs...I actually love rping the underdog...the guy who has little or no chance at survival...I usually thrive at this. But the current situation with hoards of pks, dieing 3-4 times a login(some due to shitty connection, most due to mistakes on how to approach a pk on my part...that I had to do to stay in role) plus the Lord position, Which between all of you and me, I do not think I was cut out for. As for What Grallon was...he was a mistake. I, and the whole rest of the FTA clan were quitting cf...getting lives...etc...(for myself, a small part of it was the fact that I was one of those Hard core ragers, rolling only ragers, and got sick of seeing other ragers gang/tag team and get away with it, I deleted more ragers for seeing that shit happen) But I had this nagging idea for a char concept that I could not leave alone, this was going to be a quick jaunt back into the fields to purge the last of my desire to mud.....boy was I wrong. I loved the addition of the role, it went in when I was rank 47. I put in my role right then, pretty much verbatim of what I had chosen from rank 1. I was a Contract warrior, someone who believed anything he was paid to beleive at the moment, but for a purpose, The purpose was to walk in everyone's shoes so I could judge each path and make a descision based on understanding, wich would lead to a more perfect form of Justice. The thing Is, I didnt even think about doing arbies until around rank fourty five or so...when I started thinking about how boring hero life would I started to think along the lines of becoming an arby. Then The Hall fell, and I became a Hero. It fell perfectly into my rp to try to raise it, for the greater Justice, so I went for it...and owing more to chance being in the right place and saying the right thing at the right time, than any real skill on my part, I was able to become a Resurrector. From there, I formed my plans for the Hall, and worked to become a Lord. That is when I got my current job, and my current isp. Both cut down signifigantly on my ability to mud. I was torn at the time between my desire not to lose a hero I had put time into, and not becoming one of those asshole leaders who never show up. My desire to play a Hero again won out. I even inducted quite a few, to bad they didnt rank up as fast as I had hoped...althoug they probably ranked as fast as they could. I really really really reall really really really am sorry to jaldean bria astein quintius for abandoning the Hall like was either do this, and take a sabbatacle from cf, or continue for a while more and quit cf altogether. I know I will never measure up to even the most mediocre of any cabal's leadership, but I tried while I could, hope that counts for something. I guess Nepenthe said it best about my char Maubuisson "Mostly a newbie, but at least it looked like you tried hard" Was also Emrys Servant of the Mother, You see the trend...heh. Maybe when I come back I may be a little less of a newbie. Have fun, thanks for the fun, Great mud. Good times.
Also Khwarismians,
Also Balshracfor,
Also Kodell
Also Goreanen
Also Tegid
Also Forsquillus
Also numerous empires
Also countless ragers.