Re: (Deleted) Rhynwyer:

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Posted by Niamh on December 27, 2000 at 17:25:11:

In Reply to: (Deleted) Rhynwyer posted by Swist on December 27, 2000 at 13:11:19:

> Niamh - you would never beat me in 1v1 combat.

That's the understatement of the year. Killing a Master while you guys hold the orb as an uncaballed air major is somewhat of a tall order. Necros and APs just blind me then flee. Transmuters either shift to offensive form and kick my ass, blind with scourge then flee, or just word. Invokers just spam buffet, which is usually sufficient even when I'm using wands. Conjurers...well, the only chance I've got is to catch one without servitors, and the Conjurers in Masters are at smart enough not to leave safety without them. ($1 to Parcimius - heh)

Not that I mind, though. The above just means I have to fish for "opportunistic" kills, i.e. when someone is already injured, asleep, etc. This isn't a problem, since I can usually escape from any battle I start if things go badly (which they often do). In my mind there's nothing wrong with this, since one of the chief advantages of an air form is the ability to wait for the exact right moment before attacking, then bail out if neccessary.

Note - what I don't mean by "opportunistic kills" is what happened when you were fighting Hegobi. That was all his doing, and he deserves all the creidt. I just flew down to help, not realizing Hurmneng was already there. If you'll notice, Hegobi's wall of thorns caught me as well, indicating we were not grouped at the time.

And as an addendum, I offer my sincerest apologies on what happened when we met the second time on the Erinin. I hate it when people pull crap like that, though in this case I suppose I can't fault it from an RP standpoint.

> Sandarito - for my mind you are better example of Sylvan then Delanan. Protector of forests(you) rather then terminator of all living(Delanan).

Delanan does seem to have an...umm..."predilection" for hunting defilers, but I'm sure you can see his point of view. Masters are public enemy #1 for the Glade, imho. Conjies, Necros and the defiling Races do their thing, of course, but Masters are out there withering nature almost every time they transform.

FYI, I think this is sort of lame, i.e. the whole Masters vs. Nature thing, but unfortunately I'm not the one who designed the cabal rivalry structure. It could still be the case that your average Warder could stand to do a bit more "preaching" and a bit less killing, but the same could probably be said for other cabals as well. *shrug*

> Niamh - I think you attacked me and did the last hit when I was already stunned. Stolen kill.

If I had gotten there earlier I would have attacked earlier - what can I say? If you have that fight logged, I think Hegobi fled (huh?) before I actually struck the killing blow. Again, sorry about what happened afterwards. I tried.

Also, one word about your skill levels - DAMN. I really need to go practice. *mutter*

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