(Deleted) Rhynwyer:

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Posted by Swist on December 27, 2000 at 13:11:19:

It was fun most of the time.
As I got inducted (thanks Valguarnera) I very surprised to see how many unskilled people were in Masters. And this was suppose to be l33t cabal.

Sihesar, Valguarnera and Shyntlara were only ones I trully respected.

Masters :
Joeter - You were hilarious at first. Remember how you died in cleviche to demon then came back for gear ?
But you have learned. I was sorry to see you go because Delanan cheated to kill you. It was ugly.

Dralvoth - You should have tried harder at least to get lich quest. Even from SphereMaker.
Mhithrizan - Your drow thing was funny to listen.
Annabelle - You really should not have died so much.
Hohlion - You spend all your time practicing in mists and just deleted after.
Relias - You should really know such things as wand locations at least. And if you don't - do not be afraid ask.
Coriolanius - it was hilarious to see Delanan went to kill you instead of Joeter who held sapling. How did you manage to lich ?

Dhernarn, Meoilaxenz, Juxposona ,Balkesar, Iautarc, Pelevin , Napthaniel, Kolcherd(sp?), Monstae, Jasla, Felgier - it was fun.
I am sorry if I forgot somebody.

None-masters :
Rituraaj - well played.
Zeglufin - same.
Trewyn - good job as leader. But you should stop taking chances. Even 5deaths per con would con die you soon.
Hyshrawr - only person I was not so eager to fight (besides Hegobi/Delanan ganbang).
Hegobi - you should rely more on your own skills and stop calling everybody to help. Good use of snares though.
Delanan - what a motherf*cker ! Really hated you. Also avoided you like plague.
Niamh - you would never beat me in 1v1 combat.
Brakak - you play assassin like warrior. Good RP though.
Krestanor - my mirror image. We had perfect match in forms. Turtle beats shark any time. And fight of 2 turtles can last 30minutes.
Humnrinm(sp?) - we had couple brawls but you are so undescriptive.
Sandarito - for my mind you are better example of Sylvan then Delanan. Protector of forests(you) rather then terminator of all living(Delanan).

My deaths:
I had never died to mob.
Died couple times to lowbie pk before I got inducted on 20 rank.
Died once to Alusair/Hyshrawr during raid. 4 Dblows in one round were to much even for me.

Hegobi jumped on me once while I was fighting Hyshrawr without powers. Snared/killed in wall of thorns in dwarven together with that elf Humg..something.
I repaid you in Aryth.
And last death was to Hegobi/Niamh. It was 100% my fault. I should not have walked in snare I knew would be there and should have slowed you first. Niamh - I think you attacked me and did the last hit when I was already stunned. Stolen kill.

You are Rhynwyer the Shapeshifter, level 50, 61 years old (296 hours).
You are old.
Race: human Sex: male Class: transmuter Hometown: Arkham
You have 605/605 hit, 1114/1114 mana, 511/511 movement.
You have 52 practices and 0 training sessions.
You are carrying 13/33 items.
Your items weigh 363 pounds and 0 ounces (maximum of 375 pounds).
Str: 20(20) Int: 23(23) Wis: 20(20) Dex: 20(20) Con: 20(20) Chr: 14(14)
You have scored 428930 exp, and have 18 gold coins.
You need 15070 exp to level.
Wimpy set to 0 hit points.
You are standing.
Armor: pierce: -52 bash: -50 slash: -58 magic: 4
You are heavily armored against piercing.
You are heavily armored against bashing.
You are heavily armored against slashing.
You are armored against magic.
Hitroll: 7 Damroll: 16.
You are neutral. You have a lawful ethos.
You have chosen the sphere of Water.
Your morale is moderate.
You are affected by:
Spell: 'detect invis' modifies none by 0 for 60 hours.
Spell: 'invis' modifies none by 0 for 20 hours.
Spell: 'fly' modifies none by 0 for 7 hours.

<605hp 1114m 511mv> skill

Level 1: dagger 89% staff 100%
whip 96% scrolls 93%
staves 100% wands 100%
recall 100% spellcraft 100%
Level 5: meditation 100%
Level 8: haggle 89%
Level 14: trance 100%
Level 15: fast healing 100%
Level 19: parry 100%
Level 20: pugil 100% lash 86%
pen 1% tome 74%
Level 25: hand to hand 27% magical control 100%
Level 30: second attack 93% shapeshift skill 100%
control speed 100% control phase 100%
control skin 100% control levitation 100%

<605hp 1114m 511mv> pra
armor 100% cancellation 100% continual light 1%
control translucence 100% detect invis 100% detect magic 100%
dispel magic 100% faerie fire 100% faerie fog 100%
fly 100% giant strength 100% haste 100%
identify 100% infravision 100% invis 100%
locate object 100% pass door 100% stone skin 100%
teleport 100% ventriloquate 1% word of recall 100%
dagger 89% staff 100% whip 96%
hand to hand 27% parry 100% second attack 93%
pugil 100% lash 86% fast healing 100%
haggle 89% meditation 100% scrolls 93%
staves 100% wands 100% recall 100%
transform 92% scourge 100% trance 100%
fumble 100% slow 100% spellcraft 100%
water breathing 100% earthbind 100% enlarge 100%
reduce 100% spiderhands 100% soften 97%
shapeshift 100% shapeshift skill 100% control speed 100%
control phase 100% control skin 100% control levitation 100%
halt person 100% pen 1% magical control 100%
tome 74%
You have 52 practice sessions left.

<605hp 1114m 511mv> form
You can shapeshift into the following:

A bit of whining about forms :
I got all my forms very late.
Turtle - 37, Boar - 42, Shark - 49.

Turtle was the best form of all 3. I solo killed royal triton bodyguard for staff and queen of tritons for pearl of power with it.
Boar - worse then wolf but at least something. It's dodging abilities are compared with elephant's.
Shark - I was hoping for matra and was really disappointed when got shark. It is really really sux as major form. 2 attacks in round at most (if hasted), 30% damage reduction, no dodge/parry at all and damage is not so great, even ===OBLITIRATES=== are rare.

I guess I am done.

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