Posted by Pattern Recognizer on May 28, 2000 at 05:58:55:
Your role is: Excerpt from Camelot's registry of persons, monitored by Sakut the gnome Excerpt from Camelot's registry of families, monitored by Sakut the gnome Added Sat May 27 06:55:54 2000 at level 2: Excerpt from the Miskatonik Encyclopaedia of Rare Artifacts Added Sat May 27 06:57:36 2000 at level 2: Transcript of Vincent the merchant's testimony Transcript of Clopot the horsekeeper's testimony / End Of Tome / Added Sat May 27 06:58:06 2000 at level 2:
Added Sat May 27 06:54:46 2000 at level 2:
Letter from Sakut, Sage of Camelot to her Majesty Princess Renee.
. My Lady, Princess Renee,
. Your Majesty is probably already acquainted with your father's
habit of giving each three years the best knight of Camelot the chance
to see the world and train in the best schools of Galadon, Tar Valon
and New Thalos. The Tournament of Knights was actually created with
the single purpose of spotting the true talents among your father's
subjects and reward them accordingly. For this matter I am sending
your Majesty this letter, along with this tome in which are gathered
testimonies of your father's subjects about the latest champion of the
Tournament, Apaca Sihaya Govor, the Topaz Knight. It is your Majesty's
office to examine carefuly each document and then conclude with either
a bursary for this knight or a refusal.
. Sincerely yours, my Majesty,
. Sakut, Sage of Camelot
King's subject #13756 since creation of registry
NAME: Apaca Sihaya (pers ref #13756)
FAMILY: Govor (fam ref #25)
PARENTS: father Sodom (pers ref #13617)
. mother Sihaya (pers ref #13632)
| to be changed accordingly
| last description as of 27 05 astral calendar
Apaca Sihaya Govor is a relatively tall (5'8") female of human race.
She physically resembles the ancient warriors of Cador, with sharp
yet beautiful facial traces and a smooth silhoutte, not frail though
not gigantic either. Her perfectly blue eyes contrast with the golden
blond hair like two oasis on a background of sand. Her thin, blood-red
lips cover a set of beautiful quartz-white teeth and have the traits
of an excellent instrument that could only wave musical sounds. For a
picture of the ensemble, she has long legs that inspire both strength
and agility, a well-built torso which testifies many weeks of hard
training, and strong arms that seem perfectly built for the polearm
she learned to wave so well.
| to be changed accordingly
| last occupation as of 27 05 a. c.
Apprentice knight, self-trained
Also presents clerical talents, although she does not know which god
blessed her with her power. Upon testing, she managed to give different
objects a soft glow, perhaps the beginning of a blessing spell. However,
that was the best she could give, yet she promised she would continue
training and exploiting her abilities.
Family of King's subjects #25 since creation of registry
NAME: Govor (fam ref #25)
FIRST male Benovah (pers ref #657)
. female Itaka ( -not registered- )
| as registered by Benovah Govor on
| the 10th day of the Great Struggle
Should a man, woman, fiend or ghost of other species than friend enter
the lands of our Majesty the King, the family Govor shalt stand like a
wall of unmovable rock before them to protect our Lord. Moreover, we,
the first of Govor, say under vow that we shalt educate our breed in
the spirit of these words here, and, even more, in the spirit of those
of Cador the Honorbound.
Transcript of the Blue Knight's testimony
. Thine raeverence Sakut, gnomish Saege of Camelot must surely
understaend the pride which dwells in the spirit of a chaimpion knight
and should proabably expect some bad words from mine part towards the
warriour lady. But nay! This excellent lady diseves no sperjury, and I
shalt put the maetter square: she fought me in fair battle and just as
fairly she woun. Four three Tournaments in a row I was chousen chaimpion
of Camelot, yet this youg gal... she has more than it takes! She made me
bite the dust in front o' mine students and I shalt never forget that!
Nay, never, an' I shalt worship her skill 'till the finishing of mine
days. Moreover, were he not dead long ago, I'd bet mine head she were
the doughter of the Honourbound, four I hath seen, an' mine sutdents
have too, a sapphire necklace at her throat bound with the Unbreakable
Blade. An' since she wore no heavy armour, we sketched a joke 'bout her
being the Sapphire Knight. Some say 'tis pure invaention, but I hath
seen it with mine eyes, when I wast on the ground in the Arena with her
pole 'bove mine head, that broadsword glowed a goulden aura, an' then
she spared mine life. I shalt be damned forever if that ain't the
hand of Cador!
Note: For the benefit of Camelot's library, a copy of this book was
. bought by me, Sakut, from a merchant who had it directly from the
. Miskatonik University in Arkham.
[Chapter III - Divine Artifacts]
[ page 734 par 29d ]
. Again in the class of divine artifacts is a set of amulets bearing
the sign of Cador the Honorbound [ME of Myths and Legends chap IV-9].
They were found under different shapes and stones: a round amethyst,
a diamond-shaped quartz, an oval sapphire, et cetera. Regardless of
shape and stone, these necklaces are adorned with a golden broadsword
set with the hilt upwards, in the form of a cross: the Unbreakable
Blade. The purpose of these amulets is still unknown, but all the
clues point towards them being a manifestation of the sphere of Honor
itself. Rumors spread that the amulets are given in gift to some
worthy newborns to guide them along the paths of Honor and Light.
Legend says that these gifts are brought by an old woman during the
child's sixth month of life, but no one can tell for sure, as it all
seems to happend in time of darkest night. [ME of Myths and Legends
chap XVII-24: The Honorbound's Nurse].
Transcript of Vorak the dwarven hunter's testimony
. Oh oh! Appy good girl! Ha'ye seen 'er? Tell ya! That gal was born fer
the Arena! Knight schmight! She made 'em all bite dah dust. Ha! I'm
laughing me pants off! E'en the Blue Knight should've kissed 'er
bahind. Nah, but no joke now, that girl really has dah devil in 'er
when it comes tah fighting. Bahlieve me or not, but there's no one in
Thera to diserve that championship more than 'er. An' tell ya what!
Asgaard forgiv me but that princess ain't no lady is she rejects my
lil' Appy! I taught her all dah tings she knows, an' she ain't the one
to tell me I ain't nah good, dat princess!
. The warrior lil' lady, eh? Tell ye what: I'm glad she won 'cause she's
no good at anything else! But what am I saying? [Here, Vincent slaps
his mouth twice and makes a cross while eyeing the skies] I'm just a
jealous jerk! If only I'd join the adventures that she braves... Can
you think the possibilities? With all the objects we'd gather, we'd
make HUUUGE profits. But that's her problem! She's no merchant. She's
too pure and honorable for that, bah! I remember we used to be friends
when she was lil', an' she's call me "uncle Vincent". But as soon as
she understoon what commerce is all about, using the worst trick to
get the smallest profit, she never wanted to hear from me again. [He
looses his fake smile and, with a sigh, he puts up a sad face] Well,
I guess different people go different ways, no? What can I say? Good
luck to her and "Go Sapphire!" She diserves it after all...
. Yes, I remember her... but only as a lil' devil always hungry for
more fun. She always came to me and asked for a ride, and I used to
watch her blond hair like the summer crop in the wind, riding her lil'
poney. In her mind, she had given him wings like the pegasi and a corn
like the unicorns, and I remember chuckling at her thin voice spinning
wonderous stories. And then she left to practice skills or whatever,
and Amaranthe forgot her from her grace. It's always like that:
civilisation breaks all natural bonds between people. And when she
returned, she was no longer the Appy that I knew, she was Apaca Sihaya
Govor, Sapphire Champion of Camelot, a warrior! Yes, I remember her
saying that for a warrior of the Light, there is no special need to
protect Nature, that it was an understood part of the goodness in the
soul. Yet I am happy to know she excells in her thing. At least it
wasn't useless, I guess...
Letter from her Majesty Princess Renee to Sakut, Sage of Camelot
. Ah, my dear Sakut, the coldness in your letters is incorrigible. I
did, however, study the tome you sent me, and it makes me wonder how
such a popular girl has escaped my attention. But you know, my mind
was already made as I saw her in the Arena with her laurel wreath. The
only work of your research was to approve and support my choice: that
girl is a marvel for our castle. I would approximate that one warrior
of her skill could win in fight three of our castle guards, and you
know yourself that's no easy task. I ordered the Nobles of the Throne
to present her with a bursary of one thousand golds that she'll dispense
in studies at the Academy of Thera. Sakut, I ask you as a friend, please
try and be her spiritual guide, just like you were for me. Hold with
her a regular correspondence during her time in Galadon and watch that
she doesn't stray from the right path: Camelot is not ready to throw
gold to the wind. Based on what I read in her profile, I'd suggest that
she joins the Paladin Guils: she sure has what it takes. Please archive
your correspondence and keep me informed.
. Cordially,
. Renee