Posted by Imbrogno on June 29, 2000 at 19:09:58:
In Reply to: The Beginning(repost) posted by Demon-Spawn aka Imbrogno on June 29, 2000 at 19:08:05:
“I shall call you…” Imbrogno” Jaragh said firmly. “Shall you?” asked another figure who was leaning on a staff rigidly. Imbrogno’s gaze fixed upon the shiny emblem on his lapel. Noticing the gaze the figure approached and knelt down. “You like this do you?” he asked. “Perhaps one day you’ll wear one just like it, though I should think it’d be that of the Arbiters instead of Justice.” “Arbiters?” Imbrogno thought to himself before shrugging the train of thought from his mind. “Come lad, it doesn’t appear that the inhabitants of these halls will be very hospitable, so I’ll take you. I’m more than used to dealing with all kinds, criminals come in all shapes and forms” he finished, taking Imbrogno by the hand. On his way out Imbrogno turned back to Jaragh, his head tilted to one side. “Go on lad” Jaragh said, “He’s right. I can teach these orphans the ways of the light, of honor, chivalry, and valor, but I cannot make them stop being children. You’re better off where taunts and playful pranks are at a minimum, lest I see bloodshed in these Halls.” So Imbrogno went, traded once again between hands like a faulty wagon wheel or stale tabac. Years came and went as Imbrogno learned more and more about the ways of Thera. Bladerunner had been an excellent teacher, never judging him in any way. Imbrogno saw much good in Bladerunner’s ways and had long since decided that he would try to emulate the elder man to some extent. Truly, the peace he found in the Law, in order, in blind justice, was far greater than anything he’d witnessed to that day. Long discourses on order had intrigued Imbrogno, who saw the possibility for some solace or freedom within the realm of that path. There was so much chaos within him, the demon’s foul evil still swirling about in the deepest recesses of his soul, lashing out with anger and rage even when it seemed to be the most detrimental to his life and well-being. Only by submerging himself in the order of the law and the light could he perhaps become free of it. Seeing that his pupil was well learned, Bladerunner directed young Imbrogno towards the city of New Thalos, urging him to speak with the guards before venturing too far within. The boy did so, but was again met by taunts. It seemed as though clinging devotedly to the law didn’t necessarily soften the harshness of one’s spirit. The guards were no better than the orphans were. Some had actually dropped their guard to laugh hysterically, slapping their knees and holding their stomachs against the strain of laughter. Soon he wandered into the nearby Temple, if anything New Thalos was a highly religious city. The huge marble pillars, the tapestries, the echoes of footsteps deeper inside the temple, the reverberant mantras flowing from the nearby guilds, beautifully chanted in numerous different octaves-low rumbling from the shaman’s guild, high joyous praises from the healers-all lent to the holiness of his surroundings. Sitting on the cool marble floors of the temple near the pit, a flash ran through his mind - the incredible power of those holy words that sent him flying across the ground, the strength of that devoted shaman. Imbrogno soon found his way into the guild of the shaman, and there learned the elementary prayers. The guildmaster was harsh and unforgiving, drilling the prayers into Imbrogno’s mind, flogging him or making him scrub floors when he failed. Imbrogno was determined to learn, but he found it difficult training. The anger, frustration, and the pain of the punishments led to his more frequent and more intense bouts with the “spells”, those times when he convulsed violently on the floor and spit curses in some foreign, guttural tongue. Of course, the “spells” just earned him more punishments. It was not long before Imbrogno had come to the point of no return. The guildmaster wisely pointed him towards the shrine of the great Lord Nepenthe, hoping that his pupil would find peace their and freedom from the chaos within boy. Imbrogno made the pilgrimage and soon met with the Perpetuim… *********************************************************************************** A Perpetuim whispers 'Why do you come?' You say 'I come so that I might receive the blessing of Lord Nepenthe, in the name of Order. A Perpetuim whispers 'Why the message of order instead of peace or knowledge?' You say 'When one realizes the chaos that has become an inherent part of his being, an inner demon to make use of an available pun, and he deems that part of his life as being undesirable, logic would have it that he would seek to balance it by seeking the opp' Imbrogno coughs in mid-sentence. You say 'Excuse me.' A Perpetuim nods. A Perpetuim whispers 'That seems reasonable. Why not light to balance the demon's evil?' You say 'The evil of the demon for the most part was taken care of during the exorcism. ' You say 'I still have moments...' You say '...spells, if you will where his will seeps through. ' You say 'It's the inherent chaos in not knowing when these spells will begin and end that I seek to work against at this point.' You say 'Being that I'm of the storm giant race, I, of course, will be maintaining a firm belief in the fact that the light is where one's soul belongs.' A Perpetuim whispers 'Explain order. . .' You say 'Order is knowing what will ensue, knowing that what you're currently witnessing is truth, abiding by the rules and in some instances using them to govern others. It's a set pattern, that cannot be randomized or strayed from.' You say 'Predictability' A Perpetuim whispers 'Why does order have power?' You say 'Order most certainly has power as all parts work towards a singular goal, whatever that goal might be. Chaos, on the other hand, is less powerful as the separate parts may or may not pull against each other.' You say 'I've few at this point. I've done what I could to protect the moralities of my people, that is, protecting the ideals of the light. However, at some point I plan on joining the Hall of Arbitration. At that point my enemies will be those that work a' Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time! You say 'against what I've devoted my life to.' You say 'Those that go against order by breaking that which is produced by the Laws of Thera.' You say 'Those that have devoted themself to undermining the strength of order.' You say 'Those that would lie, cheat, steal, and otherwise mangle all that I hold dear.' You say 'Those will be my enemies.' A Perpetuim whispers 'And no others?' You say 'Aside from the aforementioned and those that would make an enemy of me, I can think of no others. It's important to maintain focus, lest one be lost in the chaotic swirl of endless bloodshed.' You say 'Aside from the obvious, to maintain order, I would say that enforcing the laws as I know them would be beneficial in protecting those that seek it and making sure that those who don't remain in line...' You say ' keeps power in the hands of those that deserve it, the mayor, the cityguards, and so forth...' A Perpetuim whispers 'Why do these people deserve power?' You say 'I would imagine that for the most part those in power have obtained it legitimately, within the laws and through working with order. Perhaps they were voted in, perhaps they took the position through force...lawful force, but force.' You say 'Therefore, I would respect them.' You say 'As should all others.' You grin evilly. You say 'I can see at least some merit in ruling tyrannically. Often forcing people to do things your way is the most efficient. However, there is a point that when crossed cause more chaos than order. As long as the mayor doesn't step beyond that then I ha' You say 'I have no qualms' You say 'We can't have his guards and other assistants spreading blood in the street, causing undue fear...that's no order.' You say 'At least not that of the innocents.' A Perpetuim whispers 'Let us say that he gets laws passed enabling him to tax the populace into extreme poverty and suffering, all through reasonably orderly means.' A Perpetuim whispers 'Do you still support this regime?' You ponder the question. You say 'I can't support it, but as long as what he did remained within the bounds of order I couldn't support overthrowing it either.' You say 'There is a point that I, as a storm giant, cannot step beyond.' A Perpetuim whispers 'What do you do?' You say 'The most powerful influence in these lands is the spoken word. I wouldn't have the people revolt, but I would assist them in moving away if they could. Let the ruler rule himself and be lonesome, he'll likely come around.' A Perpetuim seems to chuckle as its heavy robes shift silently. Imbrogno drums the fingers of his demonic-looking left hand on the haft of his axe. A Perpetuim whispers 'What about working within the system to limit abuses and perhaps eventually replace the tyrranical ruler?' You say 'Seems to me that if the ruler is wise enough to adjust the system to fit his needs then he'd be likely wise enough to adjust the system to prevent a reversal of roles.' You say 'I would imagine that convincing the others to leave, peaceful protest if you will, would be working within the system.' A Perpetuim nods. A Perpetuim raises its head and fixes you with its unblinking stare. Imbrogno shifts under the gaze, gripping his axe tighter, his knuckles white. A Perpetuim whispers 'Kneel, Imbrogno.' Imbrogno kneels, placing one hand on his knee and the other on the haft of his axe. A Perpetuim raises one cloak-covered appendage (hand? maybe?) in your direction as it begins to glow, ever brighter and brighter, with a blinding indigo light. Imbrogno raises a hand quickly to shield his eyes. A Perpetuim stretches the hand out for a moment, lightly brushing your forehead. For an instant, a strange mixture of bliss and searing agony flood every cell of your body. You have been empowered by the gods. A Perpetuim withdraws the now-dark appendage as the feeling fades. A Perpetuim whispers 'It is done. Power you have been given.' You say 'Thank you Perpetuim, let our Lord know of my gratitude.' A Perpetuim whispers 'Your understanding of order is more than sufficient to be given a chance to prove your worth of the power through living. . .' A Perpetuim whispers 'Yet you are cautioned to remember that your soul also owes something to the light, and that the power that order can place in your hands is meant to protect those who cannot protect themselves, and to make the lives of all better.' Imbrogno rises, a fixed gaze on you, seeming to listen intently. The door opens. Merious has arrived. Merious utters the words, 'sagg eaaf'. Merious utters the words, 'qaihfar hgruigrjqunsoqz'. You raise an eyebrow at the notion. Merious bows deeply. Merious drinks water from a metal canteen insulated in a wolf's pelt. Merious says 'Greetings Perpetuim.' Merious says 'I seek the mark of Nepenthe's favor.' Imbrogno grumbles as his hand moves towards his axe. Merious glances at you. A Perpetuim whispers 'Perhaps you were not paying attention.' Merious says 'you wish me to go up?' Merious leaves up. The special guard's pound MUTILATES a Perpetuim! A Perpetuim utters the words, 'uqzbarr'. What's bothering you? The special guard's pound decimates a Perpetuim! A Perpetuim utters the words, 'pabraw'. The special guard's pound devastates a Perpetuim! Imbrogno kneels over the corpses. You say 'It's unfortunate that two families have lost wage-earners.' A Perpetuim traces a rune in the air. A Perpetuim nods. You sigh. You say 'I'll heed your words Perpetuim, for they are wise.' You say 'The light in my soul shall not falter.' A Perpetuim whispers 'If contrasted recently with our own balance.' A Perpetuim seems to chuckle as its robes shift. Imbrogno shifts uneasily once more. You say 'The cost will most assuredly be high as those who would break them are as diverse as the spirits in the heavens.' The Perpetuim does not say that you might be held to a higher standard than itself... but you feel that sentiment is meant. You say 'I know that I will do all I can not to let your, or indeed our Lord, down.' You say 'Regardless of standards imposed.' You say 'Your permission to take the word abroad then?' You say 'I imagine you'll want to deal with Merious.' A Perpetuim whispers 'Granted. Make your life a prayer to him and you will retain the power he has lent to you always.' Imbrogno backs from the room, his chin buried in his chest.
Imbrogno kneels down on a prayer mat. Placing his demonic-looking left hand on the nearby pillar, he hangs his head and begins to pray.
You say 'opposite'
A Perpetuim nods.
A Perpetuim whispers 'Does it have power?'
A Perpetuim whispers 'Who are your enemies, if any?'
A Perpetuim whispers 'What is the value of enforcing a system of laws?'
A Perpetuim whispers 'What if you knew for certain the mayor was a tyrant, ruling cruelly and causing at least as much harm as good to those he ruled?'
A Perpetuim bows its cowled head for a moment as though thinking or praying.
A Perpetuim glares at Merious.
The special guard has arrived.
The special guard has arrived.
Merious closes the door.
Merious turns translucent.
Merious flickers between translucence, normality, and nothingness briefly.
A Perpetuim glares at Merious.
A Perpetuim points straight up.
A Perpetuim traces a rune in the air.
A Perpetuim's acid blast *** DEVASTATES *** Merious!
The special guard's pound MUTILATES a Perpetuim!
The special guard's pound EVISCERATES a Perpetuim!
The special guard's pound EVISCERATES a Perpetuim!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Merious!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** Merious!
Merious has fled!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim's iceball DISMEMBERS the special guard!
A Perpetuim's iceball DISMEMBERS the special guard!
A Perpetuim's iceball MASSACRES you!
The special guard's pound mauls a Perpetuim.
The special guard's pound mauls a Perpetuim.
The special guard's pound MUTILATES a Perpetuim!
A Perpetuim parries your cleave.
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim has a few scratches.
A Perpetuim parries your cleave.
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
The special guard is DEAD!!
You hear the special guard's death cry.
A Perpetuim has a few scratches.
A Perpetuim dodges your cleave.
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim has a few scratches.
A Perpetuim's harm spell MANGLES the special guard!
A Perpetuim has a few scratches.
Your cleave misses a Perpetuim.
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
A Perpetuim's wrath *** DEMOLISHES *** the special guard!
The special guard is DEAD!!
The special guard's heart is torn from his chest.
A Perpetuim has a few scratches.
A warm feeling fills your body.
A Perpetuim whispers 'We consider it acceptable to enforce rules as an end to themselves, at any cost.'
Imbrogno rubs one of the horns on his head and mutters.
A Perpetuim nods.