Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 135:
- Yesterday logs. Fight3 - lowbie bashing - Mesharrah 03:11:14 4/19/2002
- Yesterday logs. Fight2 - raid - Mesharrah 03:05:25 4/19/2002
- Yesterday logs. Fight 1 - retrieve - Mesharrah 02:55:23 4/19/2002
- death by stupid lag - Solare 23:42:13 4/18/2002
- Ahilyen shaman vs Bynzar sort of boaring fight. - Bynzar 16:10:31 4/18/2002
- Azzerd vs Bynzar. Ouch... - Bynzar 16:02:33 4/18/2002
- request: Warlock vs. Scion today - Onlooker 14:59:43 4/18/2002
- Getting lucky again? - Blongrah 02:46:54 4/18/2002
- Luck? - Blongrah 02:42:33 4/18/2002
- Iunna gets the bite! - Av 01:16:21 4/18/2002
- Solphia gets whacked!! - Av 01:13:53 4/18/2002
- Me, picking a fight with a dwarf. - Davrentaz 01:07:15 4/18/2002
- A couple rounds from a Manta Ray, for those who are curious... - Av 01:03:27 4/18/2002
- Putting the beat down on a thief. - Davrentaz 01:01:47 4/18/2002
- I call this one "Old school killing" - Davrentaz 00:58:30 4/18/2002
- Gutsy Move - Lohrn 21:36:37 4/17/2002
- Ilraeth log - Thief 20:19:16 4/17/2002
- One of my two log...Well like usual I died to a gang. - Kalak 12:48:30 4/17/2002
- Long log from yesterday night - Thyladanieth 06:36:35 4/17/2002
- Older Siacla logs. - Someone not special, Esquire 05:14:04 4/17/2002
- Last log: Rager honor - SnS, Esq. 06:14:26 4/17/2002
- Grubbin, Diraric, Yuerien, and Zodrimauk vs. me - SnS, Esq 06:10:38 4/17/2002
- Thyladanieth whoopin Jhaolyren and I. - SnS, Esq. 06:07:34 4/17/2002
- Gegreigar gets hit with the whompin bar too. - SnS, Esq. 06:01:26 4/17/2002
- For everyone who says Conjies aren't overpowered... - SnS, Esq. 05:58:44 4/17/2002
- Aegion dies to (pre-retard)Coradan and I. - SnS, Esq. 05:55:31 4/17/2002
- Funny log, Olana tears me up. Surprise ending. - SnS, Esq. 05:52:17 4/17/2002
- I didn't seem to log many deaths. Oh well. Loatea vs. Me - SnS, Esq. 05:49:01 4/17/2002
- Dugruain and Loatea. - SnS, Esq. 05:46:06 4/17/2002
- Dugruain and (forget his name) shifter vs. me and Rithlan oops this one - Someone not special, Esquire 05:38:59 4/17/2002
- Dugruain and (forget his name) shifter vs. me and Rithlan - Someone not special, Esquire 05:38:47 4/17/2002
- Dugruain again - Siacla 05:34:39 4/17/2002
- Um.. the only fight I ever won against a conjurer. - If you dont' know by now... 05:23:27 4/17/2002
- Dugruain gets whomped with the whompin bar. - Siacla 05:20:36 4/17/2002
- Airforms vs. me. - Siacla 05:17:56 4/17/2002
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