Log Board 2002
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Messages - Page 136:
- Anyone got the log of the brawl at the Tower? - Nilomasan 16:52:21 4/16/2002
- Last death.. courtesy of overconfidence and scarabeus - Azzerd 13:16:51 4/16/2002
- Fifth death.. fuckin distention :p - Azzerd 13:10:42 4/16/2002
- Fourth death.. sacrifice for information - Azzerd 13:09:37 4/16/2002
- Third death.. - Azzerd 13:05:43 4/16/2002
- Second death - Azzerd 13:03:51 4/16/2002
- First death.. long and unedited - Azzerd 13:02:25 4/16/2002
- Siacla logs - Someone not special, Esquire. 11:51:06 4/16/2002
- Misc. stuff. Dugruain and Gegreigar stuff comes soon. - SnS, Esq. 12:26:50 4/16/2002
- Dullameh vs. me 1 on 1 - SnS, Esq. 12:23:45 4/16/2002
- Jhamas again. - SnS, Esq. 12:20:25 4/16/2002
- Jhamas gets bitch-slapped with a humansunder. - SnS, Esq. 12:18:03 4/16/2002
- Rahktav and I. Short. - SnS, Esq. 12:15:34 4/16/2002
- Igsoeh and Marcalius (only healing) vs. Targaryen and I. - SnS, Esq. 12:11:47 4/16/2002
- Um.. No Ajoul, I won't. Gegreigar tearing me up. - SnS, Esq. 12:09:18 4/16/2002
- You better not post our short discussion :P NT - Ajoul 12:06:31 4/16/2002
- How to make me feel bad. Gave them like 20 gold or something afterwards. - SnS, Esq. 12:06:29 4/16/2002
- Um.. Amanthara and Ivendett vs. Me and Targaryen - SnS, Esq. 12:04:28 4/16/2002
- Gang at the chasm. - SnS, Esq. 12:02:39 4/16/2002
- 30ish - Horak. No wilderness fam at this point, I don't think. - SnS, Esq. 12:00:31 4/16/2002
- Young log: Gantoris (Duergar Shaman). Back when I was tough. - SnS, Esq. 11:55:35 4/16/2002
- Young log, Raganoth. Surprise ending. - SnS, Esq. 11:53:27 4/16/2002
- morning fight before class...lvl28 assassin vs lvl 28 duerg sword. - Sanayagur 08:50:43 4/16/2002
- I can honestly say I've never been lagged this bad. - Gurtog 03:19:57 4/16/2002
- Damn. - Zruel 04:18:19 4/16/2002
- Oh man... - Ilphukiir 03:45:20 4/16/2002
- Log Request: Getting killed by Gegreigar - Cariatid 16:09:51 4/15/2002
- Ragers sucks. (Most of them and no...mace spec don't sucks heh) - Kalak 12:40:04 4/15/2002
- This year's bachelor(ette) auction. (screw you lorak) - AnImEfAhN 08:22:54 4/15/2002
- Thought I was a gonner (Part II) - Jhaolyren 04:32:43 4/15/2002
- Thought I was a gonner (Part I) - Jhaolyren 04:14:35 4/15/2002
- Even Imms make mistakes, or maybe not... - Someone 01:35:31 4/15/2002
- THE WRATH OF NATURE - Mortheon 09:19:48 4/14/2002
- Are the stupid breeding? - Warrior 05:47:44 4/14/2002
- Log Request: Any Octopus or other quest forms logs? - diodez 00:16:53 4/14/2002
- One of the few logs you'll get from me before I die. - Davrentaz 21:45:36 4/13/2002
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