Another Frightful act!:

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Posted by Scorbus on September 07, 1999 at 05:18:06:

After this Agorinth worded and died at the pit if your wondering what happened. And what is this shield? Where is it from?

Sokolov yells 'Die, Agorinth, you sorcerous dog!'
Agorinth narrows his eyes and glares in Sokolov's direction.
Agorinth calls forth the demons of Hell upon Sokolov!
Agorinth's torments MANGLES Sokolov!
Agorinth's cleave maims Sokolov!
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Sokolov's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses Sokolov.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to your attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes you.
Agorinth deflects your flaming bite with his shield.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Daedric's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes Daedric.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Daedric's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield hits Daedric.
Daedric's stab injures Agorinth.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to your attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes you.
Your flaming bite injures Agorinth.
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<914hp 395m 650mv> sing come

Sokolov has fled!
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<914hp 395m 650mv> You sing 'Come hither, child, and see the strange doings
Of the Trojans and the Achaeans;
Till now they have been warring on the plain,
Mad with lust of battle,
But now they have left off fightings,
And are leaning upon their shields,
Sitting still with their spears planted beside them.'
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<914hp 370m 650mv>
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Daedric's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes Daedric.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to your attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes you.
Agorinth deflects your flaming bite with his shield.
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<908hp 370m 650mv> fl
Alas, you cannot go that way.
PANIC! You couldn't escape!
Agorinth's cleave EVISCERATES Daedric!
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Daedric's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes Daedric.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Daedric's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes Daedric.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to your attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes you.
Agorinth parries your flaming bite.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to your attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes you.
Agorinth parries your flaming bite.
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<893hp 370m 650mv> fl

Celebeleni leaves north.
Daedric has fled!
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<893hp 370m 650mv> Underneath a majestic Ironwood tree

[Exits: north east south west up]
(Translucent) A sleek falcon is here, eyes darting and wings shivering.
An elven citizen is calmly taking care of her tasks.
You flee from combat!

<893hp 370m 649mv> e
The foyer of the Temple of Darsylon

[Exits: north east west]
(Black Aura) Agorinth is here.
An elven citizen is calmly going about his business.

<893hp 370m 648mv> The Temple of Darsylon

[Exits: west]
( 4) A rolled up map is here.
A pit has been placed here for donations to the Temple.
(Glowing) A heartstone Altar stands here in praise to the Gods of Thera.
One of the elite elven guardsmen is standing watch here.
One of the elite elven guardsmen is standing watch here.
(White Aura) An elven adept is here bestowing supplications to the needy.

<904hp 386m 650mv> w
The foyer of the Temple of Darsylon

[Exits: north east west]
(Black Aura) Agorinth is here.
(Translucent) Celebeleni is here.
Daedric is here.
An elven citizen is calmly going about his business.

<904hp 386m 649mv> sing frightful
You sing 'Like on, that on a lonesome road
Doth walk in fear and dread
And having once turned round walks on;
And turns no more his head
Because he knows, a frightful fiend
Doth close behind him tread.'
You create a powerful illusion in the mind of Agorinth.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.

<904hp 236m 649mv>
Sokolov tells the group 'sleep him'

<904hp 236m 649mv>
Daedric yells 'Die, Agorinth, you sorcerous dog!'
Agorinth narrows his eyes and glares in Daedric's direction.
Agorinth calls forth the demons of Hell upon Daedric!
Agorinth's torments DISMEMBERS Daedric!

<904hp 236m 649mv>

Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Agorinth's cleave scratches someone.
Agorinth's cleave scratches someone.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Daedric's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes Daedric.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to Daedric's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes Daedric.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to your attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes you.
Agorinth parries your flaming bite.
Agorinth parries your flaming bite.
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<897hp 236m 649mv>
Celebeleni leaves west.
Daedric has fled!
Agorinth has a few scratches.

<897hp 236m 649mv>
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Someone's mental assault maims Agorinth!
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to someone's attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield misses someone.
Someone's mental assault devastates Agorinth!
Agorinth's cleave scratches someone.
Agorinth's cleave scratches someone.
Agorinth's kinetic shield reacts to your attack.
Agorinth's kinetic shield grazes you.
Agorinth parries your flaming bite.
Agorinth has a few scratches.

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