Posted by [Deleted]Horvald on September 14, 2000 at 00:58:27:
My thanks go out to BoltThrower tho I enjoyed the interaction immensly the last quest you set for me, and the time restrction applied to it as well proved impossible to completed under the current game conditions. The new paladin are far from boreing but i think more work in repsect for the two hand dedicated paladins is needed, especially with help files for templars defense. besides that I give the new paladins a big thumbs up.
Being one of the many hoards of Good alin players was far from enjoyable. Killing mobs over and over out of pure boredom was getting boreing itself.
Nice work from the Immortals on their balance of power in relation to all the other classes on the mud. All their special skills and spells I think are all functional in one way or another.