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Posted by Quintius on October 13, 2000 at 04:50:14:

In Reply to: Well, if people want Arbiters to be respected, you've given good reason for the opposite. Thank you for adding greatly to my loathing of the bastards who call themselves Arbiters. (n/t) posted by Lortaen on October 12, 2000 at 21:27:12:

I don't remember Fuath well, though I think I inducted him.

That being said, everything I've heard said about him has been good, except your pointless flame under a name with no e-mail. Angry that you got killed too many times?

Good work Fuath. To be cursed by a devil (or an ass, in this case) is to be truly blessed.

Secondly, why did the IMMs have to go to an ARBIE of all people, to resurrect a Battle IMM? I would think Ragers would of jumped at the chance to bring back one of their own.

"....where troubles meet, and stories begin"


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