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Posted by Mhithrizan on December 11, 2000 at 11:13:40:

I had lots of fun, was great, lost interest quick
the roleplay I had intended did not take off like
I hoped it would... This character had a specific purpose and that purpose never got fulfilled. Oh well
better luck next time.

Luminescent silver eyes glow like cold fire within
bleak blackness of Mhithrizan Velkyn Ogglin's face.
His irregular ears stretch far above his jutting angular face.
His face is covered in what looks to be ceremonial
markings and runes. Upon his right arm you see
the words 'har'dro chath niar lorr nizzre'' glowing
softly against his igneaous skin. His thin hair pulled tight
against his head, without a doubt, painfully done so.
You notice a rather large tattoo of a wicked looking barbed
whip on the chest of Mhithrizan. Below it you can see a full
moon, and within in, a red demoness baring a similar
mark that Mhithrizan bears. She is wielding a large
threaded and barbed whip, by the looks intended to bring
immense pain upon another. A cold grin of Malice can be
seen, stretching across her face. You see that reflection
within the face and eyes of Mhithrizan.

You are using:
(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the huge skull of the ancient Dracolich
(Invis) (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the ring of fortitude
(Invis) (Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) the ring of fortitude
(Glowing) a mantle of earth
(Glowing) a mantle of earth
Five-Color Dragonscale Mail
the Mask of Sekhtan-Rah
(Magical) (Humming) a pair of spiked leggings
(Glowing) (Humming) a pair of darkened boots
the hands of a flame
a plain phylactery
(Magical) (Glowing) (Humming) a black robe of the Magi
(Glowing) an ulrician belt
the Bracelet of Longevity
the Bracelet of Longevity
(Magical) (Glowing) the gem of protection

airshield 100% armor 100% avalanche 100%
buffet 100% cancellation 97% channel heat 100%
charge weapon 100% conglaciation 76% controlled fireball 100%
create spring 100% create water 100% cyclone 100%
detect invis 100% detect magic 100% dispel magic 98%
earthquake 100% earthshield 100% faerie fire 100%
faerie fog 86% fireball 100% fireshield 100%
forked lightning 100% frost fingers 100% frostshield 100%
geyser 100% iceneedles 100% iceshards 100%
identify 97% immolation 79% improved invis 100%
infravision 75% invis 100% lightning bolt 100%
locate object 96% pass door 97% teleport 100%
ventriloquate 75% word of recall 100% dagger 91%
mace 100% whip 100% hand to hand 96%
parry 100% second attack 100% lash 75%
fast healing 100% haggle 90% meditation 100%
scrolls 75% staves 76% wands 78%
recall 100% transform 95% scourge 97%
trance 100% cone of cold 100% wind wall 100%
spellcraft 100% wall of fire 100% tsunami 100%
drown 100% icicle 100% engulf 96%
nova 100% shield of flames 85% shocking touch 100%
pillar of the heavens 94% lightningshield 100% shield of electricity 97%
shield of winds 100% shield of waves 90% shield of ice 80%
vortex 100% quicksand 77% pebble to boulder 100%
stoneshatter 100% shield of earth 92% watershield 100%
pen 75% magical control 100% tome 85%

Shyntlara, Valguarnera, you guys were great...It
must have been difficult putting up with someone
so vain and self delusional. But it was fun...

Shyntlara, I loved our interaction, every word out
of our mouths was ment to inflict injury upon the other. Such is the way it SHOULD be between
two dark-elves whom follow different paths. I think
you would have made a great matron mother.

Val, awesome job, really well done.

Annabelle, you were a good 'friend' to Mhith...
even if he said he didn't have any.

Meo, you were the center of all Mhith's hatred.
You emboided everything he hated, he really believed
you were inferior, as he believed everyone else was.

As for speaking in Drow... I had actually learned
quite a bit of it, and actually know it better than
the four years of spanish I had in high school.

Empire - I tried to interact with MAAANY of you..trying
to use the intrigue in empire to get many of my
little plots finished.. but not many were willing
to play along. Dsori, you did very well..

Arbiter - Gorum is the only one to really mention

Baron - Whos left, Just Pico?

Battle - Nobody here.

Dawn - Had fun hunting and killing most of you.

Masters - A whole bunch of you. Itram you were
a good 'student' You put up with my demands, which
were very very strict. The rest of you had to put up
with Mhith's im better than you nomatter what you said
crap.. which was fun.. since that was the core of his rp.

Troupe - Nothing since Astillian is gone.

Scarab - Well done the lot

Sylvan - Got reeeaaallly tired of the same
attack stratagy... wall of torns, camo, insect attack
over and over and over and over and over and over
again. I saw -0- roleplay from any sylvan... but
I do suppose it was because I was a darkelf master.
Another life I suppose.

Mhithrizan/Iracundur/Fuerln/Lrzhrxnia/Fehteral/Cilense/Eumenides/Nepenthus/.. etc etc etc etc etc a.k.a. cw

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