What didn't sit well with me about you.:

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Posted by Motiak on December 27, 2000 at 02:36:58:

In Reply to: I can almost hear Halsidnor breathe a sigh of relief -- Sihesar is gone.. posted by Bemus-ed on December 22, 2000 at 15:37:14:

You posted, under the name of "Bemus-ed" a log of yourself with your name taken out a log named "A rager a sylvan and a pizza" or something of the like.

Now, Everyone knows who Bemus-ed is. And everyone knows your relationship with Arolin. And everyone knows what kind of characters you usually play.

I tip my hat to you for breaking that mold for once.


This posting a log that just happened with your current character with none of the other names taken out looked to me as a blatant attempt to let people know who you played. And everyone knows this is why I Dislike intensly Minal-thror and challen. So I was disgusted at these follow ups to your post that I mentioned.

>I really injoyed the fight. good job Sihesar theWatcher 20:18:12 12/7/2000 (1)
>*snickers* Alright fine, Reaper = Sihesar, thanks anyway Mac (n/t) Bemus-ed 20:50:57 12/7/2000 (0)

Yes, they were deleted. But they were up on the forum for more than a few hours before they were deleted. And if I am not quite mistaken, You got your nice little title a day or two after....after everyone knew who you were.

*To the imms* It is this kind of stuff that causes Imm conspiracies and people to get bad tastes in their mouth about things like quest skills and special imm attention. This kind of thing being *Someone letting everyone know who their current char is(by accident like this, or by way of IRC like thror and challen did), and within a week getting special titles etc.*. I would think that you would/should penalize characters who do that.

I don't really care if this was a reason, or even a factor in him getting his title/attention. Because this sort of thing would be denied as a matter of course even if it was true(even a tiny bit of truth) or if it was false. So do not bother denying it. Just realize that my post is more of a "I Don't know and don't care if this is true or not, but it looks like more than a mere possibility. And if it is, shame on you." post than a "Look everyone, I caught these guys cheating!" post

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