Posted by Laios on August 17, 2000 at 03:02:32:
In Reply to: Another one bites the dust. posted by Castanaveras on August 17, 2000 at 00:34:27:
Jesus, I could name about 6-7 different strategies that would make it so it just about doesn't matter when you're the only arby vs. a bunch of ragers. It just takes a little thought > Well. I deleted. After I got back to the internet after losing Motiak, I really was at a loss as to what to play. I tried Castanaveras, he was going to develop a second personality, one that thought he was a paladin/type person. And this was actually going to be who he was born as, but he almost died, and some force took the memory of what he was, because that was the only way he could survive. ANYWAY, the hardship of the arby cabal was going ot make his "blank times" grow longer and longer, him not knowing he was becoming this other person, Dvan, who was actually who he was supposed to me (so I thought it up after watching fight club). > Again, anyway. This was a failed char. I didnt get much interaction with anyone. I had the fortune (good or bad, don't know yet) of accidently riding Fuerln's ranking wave. and shot to 40 pretty fast, then all the arbiters disapeared. Died my first pk to some arial rager 4 or 6 ranks above me. I was doing well, him with powers, me without any spells on me, had him to gushing, me with 560 out of 701 hp left, and then he hit one deathblow. Dead. That kindof pissed me off. > Did I delete because I died this second time (on the log board) because of lag...yes and no. Other reasons can be stated. Such as the fact that never having the book, having 4 + ragers hunt me, never having any arby backup even when their is another on, this damned rager war, that just happens to be exactly when all of the leadership of the arbies, as well as all the other players, disapear.... > Well, I was flashing back to Grallon...remembering that it took 4 and a half months of my getting my ass chased and hunted by multiple ragers, of never being able to rp because I was to buisy either fleeing or hiding, or dieing, before the hall even considered answering back. I just got a strong sense of Deja-vu. I had seen all of this before. > I just don't want to put up with step 4. It's a game, and I want to have fun playing it, not four months of not being able to rp because I have to flee/hide everytime I log in. I tried for a while with Grallon, and while I stuck it out for quite a while, I had zero fun while I did. So I cut my losses with Cast early. While I still had fond memories of him. To bad I didn't get to start updating my role and rping the dual would have been fun, but I would not have gotten the opportunity to do it right anyway. And why do something if you can't do it right. > > It will be a while before I make another. Have to think up a role that is sufficient twisted in plot to keep me interested. needless to say, this means I will not be playing a rager.
> step one, popular rager leader.
> step two, everyone flocks to ragers...suprisingly arbiters begin to disapear.
> step three, ragers declare war on arbies.
> step four, it becomes not fun for the lone arby for 4+ months
> step five, people start getting tired of playing ragers, and they begin to age die and con die...suprisingly, arbiters begin to reappear .
> step six, Arbies become dominant.
> On a side note, I got a kick out of it when I was interviewed, and asked about how the law deals with conji's...seeing I was the first in the hall to outline almost all of those policies as Grallon. Gave me a warm fuzzy.