Posted by Cast on August 17, 2000 at 17:17:44:
In Reply to: Re: Another one bites the dust. posted by Laios on August 17, 2000 at 03:02:32:
> Jesus, I could name about 6-7 different strategies that would make it so it just about doesn't matter when you're the only arby vs. a bunch of ragers. It just takes a little thought let's see, do these strategies involve knowing places to go that are safe? like I said, I had 4 choices. 1) keep running and hiding for 4 months, not having much fun. If your six or seven deathfull strategies are not included in one of those four options, I would like to hear them. and if you are going to say (fillet's, enlarge pills, heal pills, etc.) blow it out your ass. When you can be winning and lose 500+ hp in one hit, it really doesnt matter. Of course. maybe I am just not elite(never claimed to be) maybe there is a way a warrior without powers alone can stand up to 4+ ragers and not die. maybe there is a way to just have them not attack me other than hiding someplace. please, oh enlightened one, share your boundless knowledge.
2) stand and fight for 4 months (or until con death, which would come much sooner), not having much fun.
3) not log on for 4 months (because I don't play more than one char), not having much fun.
4) or make a char that might have a chance at having fun.