Posted by Imbrogno(VIP) on October 25, 2000 at 20:48:37:
I rolled Dardignac with the highest expectations. It's probably the best role I've ever written, there aren't a lot of Maran bards, and I knew scrolls/staves could be abused like crazy by a bard. Then the quest last night hit. Two mob deaths. 50k, no biggie, I worked it down to 35 tonight. Then the Arbiters hit. I was flagged for a crime I did not commit, I saw Arbiters sitting in guilds that were not theirs(there's one that's especially bad about this and I hope my in-game note to Astein and Bria brings about proper punishment), and their actions in general were piss poor on all counts. Arbiters-Way to alienate your most staunch defender. The cabal is great, but the lot of you blow, especially a particular individual who shall remain nameless, has been seen on numerous occassions sitting in guilds that weren't his, and other assorted things that I find revolting. Achknar, you're the only one I respected, the rest of you are morons man, and remember that that's coming from somebody that has always given you the benefit of the doubt in the past. Sylvan-Didn't interact with a lot of you. Krestanor was my best friend and I ranked him up from like 20th. I'm surprised we didn't get questioned about perma-grouping we were together so much. Sometimes you just find an individual that you know is competent and you don't want to give up that competency for "The Third". Empire-Killed some of, got killed by some of you, you're basically unimportant at this point. Battle-I ranked with some wannabes early on, hell, I even ranked with some real ragers and all the while I had the biggest sack of magical shit on me that you can imagine. probably 100 pounds worth of shit. I thought it was funny. Master-shrug Shokai-dammit, I'm done with you this time I SWEAR IT! I can't take praying day after day after day and getting no response. Our playing times just don't mesh for shit or you were watching me or something. I don't know. Lhuzias-it was fun Here's my role: Role + VISIONS
Role +
Role + The sword had just missed my ear! That split second when I had lost concentration
Role + nearly caused me my life, but the dying were all around me and their moans were
Role + a great stake that was repeatedly stabbing my heart and soul. I had led many men
Role + here, but the chances of any being there to follow me out were growing more and more
Role + slim. What would I tell their families? How could evil be winning? It wouldn’t be
Role + long before it moved into the city, our precious Aridhol.
Role +
Role + A sensation, as if falling, and then a sudden jerk.
Role +
Role + Intruders. Possibly from another clan, but it could be trollocs as well. I had briefly
Role + felt a tingling sensation which usually meant the presence of a myrddraal, but it was
Role + too fleeting to be sure. I crept along the edge of the garden, my eyes scanning the
Role + surrounding hills for some moving form, hoping it was a trolloc rather than another
Role + clan. We were running short on goats as it was, we didn’t need any more stolen and
Role + blood feuds were more taxing on us then even the largest group of trollocs. Then I
Role + saw it, a single myrdraal staring straight at me, it’s gaze pure fear. My knuckles
Role + of my right hand whitened around my spear as I leapt towards the fade.
Role +
Role + A sensation, as if falling, and then a sudden jerk.
Role +
Role + The swords sang as they whirled about me and my body was moving to their enchanting
Role + song. I had worked long and hard learning about the BladeSong and the King was
Role + pleased at my progress. “It has been many thousands of years since we had a BladeSinger
Role + in our midst. It’s not a skill easily learned. I’m sure your abilities will help us greatly if
Role + the minotaur ever strike. Remember to fall back to the Vaults if our defenses falter” he
Role + had said. I would be ready for the beasts, hiding in those Vaults was not what I wanted to
Role + do with my life.
Role +
Role + A sensation, as if falling, and then a sudden jerk.
Role +
Role + The warning horns were screaming. The fire giants would fall upon our city this day.
Role + The caravan was growing ever nearer and the cityguards were joining us in preparations
Role + for battle. Surely with them and my many fine swordsmen we could hold off the onslaught.
Role + “Rally around me men” I yelled, “We’ll skewer them on our blades and be home in time for
Role + dinner. This I know!”
Role +
Role + A sensation, as if falling, and then a sudden jerk.
Role +
Role + The forest! Not the forest! Tulpebb and his men had really done it this time, and those
Role + damned Masters! Damn them! My beloved forest was being destroyed! I was reduced to
Role + hiding in what remaining foliage there was. Most of my guardians had already been killed
Role + so it was just me and my flail. I might fall, but damn if I wasn’t going to take some of them
Role + with me. I hadn’t become THE forest guardian because I was a pushover. I’ll fight those
Role + bastards tooth and nail! Here they come!
Role +
Role + A sensation, as if falling, and then a sudden jerk.
Role +
Role + What a blessed day! Our duergar friends have finally agreed to help us build a most
Role + magnificent tower! The agreements have been made and construction will begin very shortly!
Role + Oh I’m sure the King is most pleased. This will surely be the greatest accomplishment of
Role + the entire dwarven race, duergar included! Oh, I must carry this news abroad! The dwarven
Role + race will have its Tower!
Role +
Role + A sensation, as if falling, and then a THUD!
Role +
Role + “Damn it Dardignac! You’ve drank nearly all of me ale and now you’re clogging up a
Role + stool! If you’re going to keep nodding off do it in your damned bed and not at my bar. I
Role + was awunderin’ how long it was going to take for you to fall off the damn thing. You’ve
Role + been swayin’ there for hours and have nearly broken the damned stool, not to mention your
Role + bloody head about 5 times. Every time I thought you were going to fall over you jerked back
Role + upright, which is a damn shame, there are plenty of payin customers wanting your damned
Role + spot! Git! Damn it, git! This’ll be the last time I pay you for your stories with free ale! If
Role + you broke one of the legs on that stool I’ll break one of yours!”
Role +
Role + Whew! That was close. I was sure that bartender was going to take my head off. What odd
Role + dreams, they felt like I was actually a part of them! I’ve told a lot of stories, but many of
Role + those I have no idea about. I had heard the Elven Vaults were where the elves fled when the
Role + minotaur struck, but that dream was far too detailed for what little I knew about the situation.
Role + BladeSong? I’ve never heard of it. And just who worries about clans stealing goats? And
Role + wielding a spear in one hand! I’ve never heard of such a thing! I think that old bastards ale
Role + was rotten. Making me hallucinate! Fool is probably mixing in mushrooms of some kind.
Role + Crazy old loon.
Role +
Role + I’ll have to ask the guildmaster about some of these stories. He always has good ale too, not
Role + that rotten stuff that last crazy bastard served me. I need something to dull the pain and this
Role + bump on my head is most unbecoming. I oughta go back there and slap that barkeep a good
Role + one, if not for serving me rotten ale then for having stools with screwy legs. No forget it,
Role + there’s no ale to be had there.
Role +
Role +
Role + “Greetings young Dardignac!” The guildmaster was always a little too cheery. “My, look
Role + at the size of that bump! You haven’t been fighting have you? It’s much too early for that!
Role + You’ve learned many of the weapons very quickly, and the sword! It’s like you were born
Role + with one in hand. I’ve never seen anybody take so quickly to the ghastly things! I nearly
Role + sent you away to the warrior’s guild when I saw how readily you took it up.”
Role +
Role + At this point I brought up the visions. I told him in detail about what I had seen and in what
Role + context. He simply frowned at me. He told me that at times the cycle of seasons is incomplete,
Role + that the last dead leaf doesn’t fall from tree, or if it does that it doesn’t always have to fall
Role + far. I understood immediately, he was talking about the winter of life, death, and the ensuing
Role + spring, rebirth. It seems that he thought that I actually was ALL of the people from my visions.
Role + He thought that I was their reincarnated form. I wasn’t ready to accept that, I’m just a bard
Role + afterall, but it gave me something to think about.
Role +
Role +
Role + The visions have continued in sleep, as well as while awake which was frightening. The
Role + guildmaster nearly tripped over his own two feet when I hunched my shoulders and snorted
Role + at him. I have no recollection of the event, but he said my voice changed as well as my posture.
Role + Really strange.
Role +
Role + Something pushed me towards studying the religion of the great Phoenix, Lord Shokai. I’m not
Role + sure what exactly, I’ve never been a particularly combat-ready individual, but it appears that
Role + whatever did it wants to see Victory in the name of the light. I guess it’s possible that one of my
Role + previous “identities” urged me in that direction, many of what I suppose are my past personas were
Role + military men or fighters of some kind. It’s just all too creepy. I’d almost rather return to being the
Role + simple drunken story-teller, but I guess if anything my new predicament will enhance the stories
Role + that I have to tell.
Role +
Role +
Role + Lately I’ve been losing more and more time to the visions that I see. I call seeing them losing
Role + time because I can never remember what I was doing. All I know is that when I snap out of it
Role + people are often gawking at me or heading for the door. Some have even called me crazy! I just
Role + hope I don’t get into trouble one day while I’m losing time.
Role +
Role + The guildmaster has forced me into mastering my singing voice. He says that the higher end songs
Role + take a higher level of voice mastery. I’m not quite sure about that and all of this singing practice
Role + has left me despising my choice to become a bard in the first place. If I do master my voice it will
Role + be more a testament to my patience and perseverance than to my willingness and enjoyment of
Role + singing.