I'm dust and gone. (Damn friggin long):

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Posted by Hifflio on September 28, 2000 at 19:37:28:

The Dragon Mage is no more, forever turned into a monster
or at least that is what I wanted to happen at the end.
To be honest I was both disappointed and very please with
this character.
I was pleased with this character because everything I set
out to do I achieved (Master leader/Tattooed of Zulghinlour/
and some assemblence of achievement within the Dragon roleplay
I had).
(Begin self centered rant)
I was disappointed at the end because I felt (enter your
flames here) that I deserved not a quest form, but something in
the shape of restringing my current form to at least look like
a dragon. The things I did just to gain the title of Apprentice
of the Dragon Tower was more than what liches must do to gain
This is what I did:
1. Spent my last two characters or so learning about every dragon
and dragon-like creature on the mud (I know, I know, using information
gained by other characters, but reasons for having this information
was in my role). I knew location of every dragon, how hard they were,
what their special attacks were, what items they had, what vulns they
had. New dragons that I found out I persued with a vengence to know
everything about them. (Eating many mob deaths in the process).

2. Gained entrance to Masters (no easy feat with a conjurer leader that
never appeared). :) This is for all you Master applicants out there, keep

3. Perfected every spell I had.

4. Became tattooed by Zulghinlour (thank you Zulghinlour for having
faith in a "Transmuter" as you said.)

5. Leveled to 51st without forms in any shape or form, having only halt
person and a damn bunch of whatever autocasting crap I could find (granted
being in Masters ofset this a little, but in my defense, this was the time
of the Minalcar thrashing of Masters). I was without a form of any kind of
350 hours of game time.

6. Went on a 7 item quest that was basically a lich quest with some added

7. Gained my forms finally only to have to perfect every form, including time
spent in them. Perfect all the controls and such.

8. Gave tribute to Queen Tiamat which included such lovely items as the staff of wonders.
Pearls of Power, hundreds of thousands of coins, Minalcar's Armaggedon when I killed him,
Wide coppers.. etc.. etc... etc... Most of these were just left at Tiamat's feet when she
was unresponsive (because I thought I was not yet worthy roleplaying wise).

In the end, when I was finally 525 some hours old, and I knew death was around the corner.
Especially when I heard Xeren died when he was 500 hours old, I decided to put into action
plan B, the uncontrolled mutation of Hifflio due to not learning the last final magics to
control the dragon transformation. So instead of becoming a Dragon shapeshifter as I wanted,
I became A Chimera, born from the heads of my three forms, Tiger/Boar/Serpent. In hoping I
could add that to the history of CF and describe how Chimeras are born in this realm through
a character. And I hoped some immortal that saw it would have a Chimera creature attack
the Tower and its members out of revenge, after Hifflio's true soul returned to Zulghinlour's
Axe or whereever it went. (Oblivion is where HIfflio thought it would go.)
But that is in the past, and it was hell of fun to play this guy.

(BIG P.S. To the Immortals: IS it possible to have my role posted here on the forum because
my backup copy is missing a lot. Granted I know its about 20 odd pages, but I would be grateful
to you if you can. IF you cannot post it, please email it to me at nevshemal@hotmail.com?
Thanks either way)

Goodbyes to people, as Flontinot said, "I'm going to miss a lot of people."
I enjoyed all the hell trips I went on with all of you. It was a learning
experience for me, especially since I was supposed to be a Leader of Men but had
never been down there and had to trip and fall through it. Of the Five trips I went
on (all I led), the farthest we got was Medusa. Remember, that if you are turned to
stone, your equipment does not come back *sigh*.
Merisila: You were an interesting character to say the least. I pretty much guessed
that we had opposing views on a lot of things, and that you truly did not like me
much. Hifflio personally did not like you, but saw potential in you which is why I
gave you Adept of Transmutation. I hope I did not offend you when I told you that you
were not cut out to be leader in any shape or form, but as Hifflio saw it, you were not.
Jafel: Ah yes, my friend who seemed to think exactly like me at times, especially when
it came to combat. I gave you the Adept of Invocation (Way longer before you ever were
titled for it, mutters something about Master gods) because you deserved it. You were
fierce and knowledgeable. I was glad you became leader, I just wished you were more of
a hard ass as leader and didn't continually look to the Gods and others to make sure your
decisions were sound. Your the damn leader! Hell, if they didn't think you were good enough
then you would not have been leader! Heh, good luck.
Rendak: In the beginning, I liked you because you were intelligent and able to combat villagers
effectively. In the end I just hated you for being the bloodthirsty equipment horder that
Hifflio thought you had become.
Bfarido: I truly enjoyed how you gave such reveling respect to the elders of the Tower. Your roleplay
was damn refreshing and enjoyable, good job.
Juxposona: The reckless Master, loved it.
Aristobolous: I was about to shoot you in RL for your accent. I'm sorry everyone but if your words
are so hard to read that I have to read them two or three times before getting any understanding
out of it, you need to change it.
Xolthul: You developed from an upstart necromancer that I thought would not make it past 40th rank
to someone I truly respected. You deserved your Adept of Necromancy.
Manshoon: Thanks for the faith. I was amazed how easily leadership of Masters came to me although I
planned on trying it for roleplay reasons. Thanks for giving me the chance and I enjoyed our

To the Applicants: Every time I got on, I sought out every applicant that was on that I had a note
from and spoke to them. Before I was leader, I actively sought out every applicant and spoke to them
giving more recommendations than the whole rest of the cabal combined. I damn near tried my best
because I know how difficult it was to be an applicant. Those angered by my interviews, sorry, I was
not looking for right or wrong answers, I was looking for some spark of intelligence and ability to
think on your feet. Most if not all the questions I asked applicants were subjective. Most took them
like there was some objective answer and kept saying to me, "the answer to this is "blah blah blah" right?".
To that guy who created a character, told me, "I want to be in masters" and when I told you what you
needed to do you said, "I'm chaotic, ok I'm going to delete and come back, I'll talk to you then."
You came back and said, "Hey its me again, ok I'm lawful now, what do I have to do?" You deserve to be
shot in the damn head, those people totally ruin roleplaying and any attempt to roleplay.

As a player you guys are my first love and always the cabal I enjoy over any other. I wanted
to play a Master because they were severe underdogs and I always play underdogs. (I have no idea why
its like a mental thing.) I always felt bad, especially for Magtograme, who was continually slaughtered
by Master Conjurers when they decided to thirst for blood.
Minalcar: Our interactions were always heated and fun. You allowed me to exercise some parts of my
argumentative brain most people don't spark. You were interesting to say the least. The only dislike
I had about you is when your insults started to get out of character. Please don't do that.
Iolanthe: I felt so bad when I held you because I knew you were dead once I got one because I knew
your spellbane fell right then. Opps.
Takashimi: ran into you a couple times, some good fun.
Axwerlich: Tiger versus non-berserker means death for the non-berserker.
Being unable to haste against me nor deal out big damage usually meant your death. Sorry, but had
to do it.
Arlian: Damn good bard for battle, you understanded how to fight and what songs to put up first.
Most bards are idiots and I piecemealed them quickly, you on the other hand were quite the challenge.
Your plan in the wastes was a classical clash of quick minds, and that was the only time Hifflio
was out played when dealing with tactics. Well done, you bastard!

Ikemasuka: The only new wave of ragers I truly had respect for. You are right defenders get their
asses handed to them, and its unfortunate that nothing has been changed....

Most of you were bloodthirsty "Sylvan Death Squad" people. Malaglen the only times I ran into
you were the times you were killing me. All that talk about peace and every interaction we had was
you slaughtering me with your powers. By the way, you got a quest power for becoming leader? What did I
get? A failing cabal and jack everything. Damn it! :) Flontinot, your words were intreguing and I
enjoyed our interaction at the Tree in Emerald, however it didn't change my mind. Good luck.
that air major sylvan: Bloodthirsty equipment loving bastards. *laugh*

Arbiters: Quintius: Damn, I was impressed in how we aranged that treaty and how ruthless you were.
You were a good leader for them and I definately enjoyed our interaction.
Imbrogno: Angry storm giant demon possessed shaman turned good. What more can I say? I think
one of the funniest things I ever saw was when you bought all those chickens, thought them in your
bag, then slapped the bag with the side of your axe to quiet them down. So damn funny.
Rest of you, nothing much.

Entropy: Zorszaul, the one interaction we had, I got in trouble for from some clueless immortal who
would not take into consideration the teachings of Lord Zulghinlour and my character's standpoint.
When it came down to it, Minalcar died, and all I had to do was what? nothing except tell Zorsaul where
my corpse was (which is something he definately already knew, since I located corpses all the time).
Jeurno: you idiot, loved ya.
Rest of you don't know much about.

More numerous than Empire, and as useless. Keep it up.

The Empire was kind of floundering during my time. The attempt of the Blade and Divine sect to
backstab the Masters was, in all senses of the word, obvious and stupid. A true leader of Battle
would never enforce the treaty provisions outlined (and Minalcar didn't) and I am quite surprised
that the you two did. Whoever you were, bad move, bad plan. Oppos.
Jorin: I found that you trusted myself more than you trusted your own Cabal. Understandable coming
from a past higher up Imperial.
Don't really remember many others of you, sorry.

Zulghinlour: You are a damn fine immortal and I thank you heartily for letting me become one of
your chosen few. I always wanted to be your Avatar. Something I wished to persue if the Dragon thing
worked out (maybe be the form of your fountain statue? heh). I always craved interactions with
the immortals and with you. I always saw you as a GOD, with the big letters. The ones you give tribute
to to keep them happy. The ones you kneel to, ask permission to leave. Send up prayers to just to give
praise kind of thing. It is unfortunate although that we did not speak the last 100 some hours of my
life. If we did, it was brief and fruitless. It was like you were almost avoiding speaking to Hifflio
either in Tiamat form or yourself form. I must have spent 75 hours of my character SITTING at the top
of the Dragon Tower doing emotes of prayers, of me paying hommage, of me piling up equipment at your
doorstep in the hopes of pleasing Tiamat or anyone seeing it at all. Nope sorry, have some.
I hope you go to IMPship if you can. There needs to be a good, damn scary evil immortal like Nazmorghul
of old. (Although I saw a new area by Nazmorghul under areas explore, is he still around? *crosses fingers*)

Nepenthe: This is in reference to a response you did on the Boards about how the person who knows how
to code forms left and so there would be no new ones. My response is this, If someone does the above
for 500 + hours of character, I PERSONALLY would go into the code, sit and look at it for a little bit,
pick apart an already establish form, and write one. My opinion, but hey, I'm not jaded yet.

Master Immortals in General: Not enough or not one around enough to interact with. Shenara, I was glad you
immorted. Hopefully that will give direction and, goodness I say it, FUN GOD INTERACTION. I was planning
on Immorting Hifflio if I got into the Dragon Tower and stuff, but unfortunately I did not. That is how
the cookie crumbles I guess. It is unfortunate the only Immortal interaction that MOST masters got was to
punish ot point out wrongdoing. I.E. You are not raiding and should be, or in wilberg's case, being a total
idiot master.

There are many others of you that I am probably missing. Just put up a note and I'll remember you probably.
And I will gladly tell you what I thought of you. Yet again Immortals, if you can get my Role and post it here
I would greatly appreciate it, or email to me at nevshemal@hotmail.com.

Bye bye.

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