- [Deceased] Betazenth the Planewalker, Record Keeper of the Tower - *ORB* aka Betazenth/Vizzagoth 15:27:28 8/23/2000
- {DELETED} Torria the Betrayer and Outcast of the Light and Dark - Torria 11:51:43 8/23/2000
- De birth o' a warrior - Grist 10:04:26 8/23/2000
- Damn Julias!!! - Boliik 09:37:22 8/23/2000
- I've been away for a little while, who is arbiter leader now, also, how do you become V.I.P? - Kheio 09:26:49 8/23/2000
- To all whom it might concern I deleted. - Gorlin Vend 19:58:12 8/22/2000
- Tried to log in last night but found no records of her. Farewell to all - [Auto-deleted] Glyn 19:56:17 8/22/2000
- Death becomes me. (would you believe if I said there's no text? I wouldn't) - Curly, Quoter of Video Games 17:16:47 8/22/2000
- Following in the mighty footsteps of Raudruk and Graatch... [LONG^3] - Havilahd / Altrael / Jagaub 16:05:02 8/22/2000
- And here I was looking forward to an adversary. Have a good one. (n/t) - Feiriel 11:06:58 8/24/2000
- Dats ok! He'el be back! Another quelude, he will love cf in the morning!! n/t - Triangle-Man 19:05:20 8/23/2000
- *sobs quietly* - Halith 17:00:41 8/23/2000
- I had oodles of fun interacting with you, both with Nahlen and with Llorza. I am probably going to delete Nahlen soon, Mongoose cant really do shit without some backup. Coming soon! Nahlen's goodbye. - Nahlen 05:06:05 8/23/2000
- Well, damn. You're a clever guy, and were great to interact with all the time... I wish you great luck in your new job, and in your life in general. Thanks for the fun :) n/t - Vis/Uignevin/Others you've interacted with 00:32:22 8/23/2000
- Re: Following in the mighty footsteps of Raudruk and Graatch... [LONG^3] - Raudruk the Retired Bastard 22:29:15 8/22/2000
- I echo Riebold, a shame, a damn shame...live a good one. n/t - Khayr 20:31:14 8/22/2000
- Shame to see ya go, you were fun to interact with, in each of the chars I knew ya as, have fun man laters n/t - Riebold 20:26:16 8/22/2000
- Farewell - Belaran 20:04:38 8/22/2000
- Re: Following in the mighty footsteps of Raudruk and Graatch... [LONG^3] - Talwar 19:35:00 8/22/2000
- Ah you can't say we didn't have a few good whacks at each other once in awhile. - Rikaar 17:41:08 8/22/2000
- Insight... - Astillian 17:01:01 8/22/2000
- nemesis - Laureolia 16:54:26 8/22/2000
- Victory to the Light! n/t - Nicolette 16:45:31 8/22/2000
- It was good ranking with you from like 40-47, and enjoyed the interactions. Have fun partying. I'm doing the same ;-) (n/t) - Zepachu 16:44:08 8/22/2000
- Well this has gone on long enough... I am quiting for a bit, and I dont care if you dont care, read it if you want too :P - Raudruk 22:33:39 8/21/2000
- Yeah, well I'm gone. - Sheremata/Imbrogno 13:10:59 8/21/2000
- [All kinds of dead] I 'm all kinds of dead. - Gelegrein 13:02:09 8/20/2000
- Obituary for Mahjri Bfarido - soren 05:11:42 8/19/2000
- deleted..text icluded - glushuba/sseann 13:08:40 8/17/2000
- [GONE] Taraly the Ranger Prince, Expert at Idiocy. (Ramblings included within) - Taraly 11:11:51 8/17/2000
- Last enchantation - Skylar 05:13:56 8/17/2000
- Another one bites the dust. - Castanaveras 00:34:27 8/17/2000
- Gone - Maelduin 10:44:05 8/16/2000
- *sighs* Gotsta go... (goodbye speech, vewy long) - Harlequin, Aleena, Axzwerlich, Corinthar, and many, many more 09:09:39 8/15/2000
- A Question about roles and such. - North Swahili anti-defamation league for the Censure of Proud Blade and his racist remarks... 20:37:37 8/14/2000
- [IDEA] Instead of rolling for stats... - Joshu 13:14:09 8/13/2000
- Why did you guys remove the Agathocles role thread? that thing was hilarious (n/t) - Joshu 05:15:09 8/13/2000
- [DELETED] Jafel the Invoker Hero, who couldn't connect. - Jafel 12:03:01 8/12/2000
- My role....comments? - Ziakrim 14:27:23 8/11/2000
- [NT] Hey, PB, what happened to your "RPing Topic of the Day"? I was looking forward to seeing the next parts... - Pattern Recognizer 16:51:08 8/9/2000